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Doing a quick edit to a page


See also: Making a small contribution to DataMiner Docs on DataMiner Dojo Video

On every page of the documentation on, a Propose changes link is available in the top-right corner. Clicking this link will open the source of the documentation on GitHub. You can then make changes as follows:

Propose changes link

  1. Make sure you are logged in to GitHub.

  2. On the page you intend to edit in GitHub, click the pencil button in the top-right corner.

    Pencil button

    This will create a "fork" of the documentation, i.e. a copy where you can freely make changes.

  3. Make your changes using the web editor. To get a preview of the changes, go to the Preview tab.

  4. Once you have made your changes, click Commit changes in the top-right corner. This will open a pop-up window.

    Commit changes

  5. In the pop-up window, you can enter a title and description for your changes and click Propose changes. For example:

    Proposing changes

  6. A page will be displayed with a summary of your changes. At the top of the page, click Create pull request. A “pull request” is a request to pull changes into the repository.

    Create a pull request for your changes

  7. Double-check the title and description for the pull request, and modify them if necessary. We recommend that you select the option Allow edits by maintainers, so that the documentation team will be able to correct any small issues (e.g. typos) directly.

  8. Click Create pull request.

    The documentation team will review the request and merge it if it is approved. If changes are needed before it can be merged, you will receive feedback.


    Do not forget to create a pull request! Otherwise, your changes may be lost.