Table of Contents

Pipeline stages for install packages

Currently, the pipeline consists of the following stages:

Loading Jenkinsfile

When a new Git repository is created using the SLC SE Repository Manager tool, the repository initially contains a .gitignore file and a Jenkinsfile. This Jenkinsfile in turn refers to another "master" Jenkins file. During this stage, the Jenkinsfile gets loaded.

Declarative checkout from SCM

During this stage, Jenkins loads the current repository from Git.

Detect solution

During this stage, the repository is scanned for the presence of a Visual Studio solution (.sln) file.

Verify tag

This stage verifies that a tag matches the regular expression ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+-CU\d+$, e.g. 1.0.1-CU0.

Validate possible dependency NuGets

  • Checks whether projects use the obsolete packages.config package management format.
  • Checks whether projects have any vulnerable, deprecated, or outdated NuGet packages.

Sync DataMiner feature release DLLs

This stage ensures that the next build stage will build against the latest feature release of DataMiner. It will verify on DCP whether a new feature release has been released and, if it has, Jenkins will make sure to use that feature release to build against from that point onwards.

Build on latest feature release

During this stage, the solution is built against the latest DataMiner feature release.

Convert solution to XML

This stage extracts the package scripts from the Visual Studio solution.

Compile requested install package (Release)

This stage creates the install package for pipeline runs that correspond with a release.

Compile requested install package (Development)

This stage creates the install package for pipeline runs that do not correspond with a release.

The resulting package will include a suffix _B<buildNumber>, where buildNumber is the build number of the pipeline.

Validate subchains

In case the package references items that are in development (i.e. items with Version/Selection/Range@rangeSelection set to latestBuild), Jenkins will validate the state of the pipelines for these items.

If one of the sub items failed, then the pipeline will be marked as unstable.

Scan test projects

This stage scans the solution for the presence of any test projects. Projects with a name that ends in "Integration Tests" or "IntegrationTests" (case insensitive) will be considered integration test projects. All other projects with a name that ends in "Tests" will be considered unit test projects.

Run unit tests

This stage executes the unit test projects. If no unit test projects were detected, this stage is skipped.

Run integration tests

This stage executes the integration test projects. If no integration test projects were detected, this stage is skipped.

SonarQube analysis

This stage performs SonarQube C# code analysis on the code provided in the Exe blocks.


It is possible to exclude some items from analysis (e.g. auto-generated code). For more information on how to exclude items from analysis, refer to SonarQube.

Quality gate

This stage verifies the results of different previous pipeline stages and checks whether the results are according to some preconfigured quality level.

(Development) Catalog Registration

This stage will register the package in the catalog.

(Release) Prepare for SVN

In case a tag was detected, and the version should therefore be pushed to SVN, some preparatory steps are performed.

(Release) Catalog registration

This stage will register the package in the catalog.

(Release) Push to SVN

This stage performs the actual push to SVN. Once this stage is executed, you should find a new version of the install package on SVN in the corresponding folder.

(Release) Push to Azure

This stage pushes the created package to Azure Blob Storage.