Table of Contents

GitHub failures


This section might include some information that is only applicable to Skyline employees and/or links that are only accessible to Skyline employees.

Though we try to simplify workflows as much as possible for everyone, some places are still prone to errors. Below is a list of common issues besides obvious ones like failing unit tests.

The errors are grouped by step and then by specific error.

Trigger Initial Analysis

Error: The template is not valid. Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Error reading JToken from JsonReader. Path '', line 0, position 0

This error occurs when your repository is private and you forgot to create the SONAR_TOKEN secret.

For public repositories, the analysis step uses the SONAR_TOKEN organization secret. For private repositories, you will need to create a repository secret with name SONAR_TOKEN (as private repositories cannot access the organization secret). The value of the secret is an API token that can be created in SonarCloud under the Security tab of the account settings.

Quality Gate

The Quality Gate can fail because of multiple reasons. The "normal" ones would be unit tests that fail or SonarCloud that reports issues.

Unfortunately, because of a misconfiguration or admin-only settings on SonarCloud, it can occur that there are issues that are less clear.

Could not retrieve SonarCloud quality gate status

If this error is shown in your workflow, you will need to check the SonarCloud Quality Gate check step and the Analyze step for more information.

'Analyze' step - You are running CI analysis while Automatic Analysis is enabled. Please consider disabling one or the other

This setting is only accessible for people with admin rights on SonarCloud. However, a SonarCloudFixer repository has been set up that checks every 10 minutes whether Automatic Analysis is enabled in any projects and, if so, disables it.

Once the setting is disabled, run your workflow again to verify if everything is OK.

'Sonar Quality Gate check' step - Quality Gate not set for the project. Please configure the Quality Gate in SonarQube or remove sonarqube-quality-gate action from the workflow

This happens when you run the CI before you have created the SonarCloud project. This makes a SonarCloud project without the proper configuration.

Contact the Data-Acq Tools team so they can remove the project. You can then recreate the project with the correct settings.