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Configuring buttons in Data Display table cells to open EPM objects

Starting from DataMiner 10.2.3, when you configure a cell button in a protocol as shown below, the table cell will display the System Type and System Name defined in the EPM object. Clicking the link will open a new card for that object.


            <Value type="open">{pid:530}</Value>

The discreet value can contain the System Type and System Name of the object, or a reference like {pid:530}. In the example above, the identifier is stored in the column with parameter ID 530, which can be the read parameter of the same column or a different column.

If you know the type of the EPM object, you can add a type prefix ("epm" or "view"), followed by an equal sign and (a reference to) the identifier.

The <Display> tag of the discreet can contain the same references as the <Value> tag. One extra keyword is possible (and recommended): {linkedItemName}. This keyword will be replaced with the name of the object referred to in the <Value> tag.

If you want to specify the page to be selected by default, add a suffix to the identifier in the <Value> tag containing the root page name and the page name, separated by a colon. See the following examples:

  • EPM=Cable/SF Cable1:Topology:Total
  • VIEW=436:BelowThisObject:STB
  • VIEW=436:BelowThisView:Elements

In each of the examples above, the card will be opened on a particular page:

  • “Topology:Total” or “t:Total” will open the topology page named “Total”.
  • “BelowThisObject:STB” or “bto:STB” will open the CPE card page named “STB”.
  • “BelowThisView:Elements” or “btv:Elements” will open the view card page named “Elements”.

Starting from DataMiner 10.2.6, if the System Name contains colons (e.g. a MAC address), you can replace the default separator (i.e. a colon) by another one (e.g. a pipe character) by placing a [sep:XY] prefix in front of the System Name. See the following example:

<Value type="open">{EPM=[sep::|]CPE/'00:01:08:01:08:01|DATA|CPE Frequencies}</Value>

From DataMiner 10.2.9 onwards, you can specify a second custom separator to also replace the existing separator inside the System Type and/or System Name. Since the default separator between the System Type and the System Name is "/", this would mean that neither the system Type nor the System Name would be allowed to contain that character ("/").

In the following example, a second [sep:XY] is used to replace the "/" inside the System Type ("CPE/CPE") with another character ("$").

<Value type="open">{EPM=[sep::|][sep:/$]CPE/CPE$00:01:08:01:08:01|DATA|CPE Frequencies}</Value>

In short,

  • the first [sep:XY] will replace the separator between the arguments, and
  • the second [sep:XY] will replace the separator inside the System Type and/or System Name.

If you want to replace the separator inside the name, you must specify both the first [sep:XY] and the second [sep:XY], even if there are no arguments.