Linking collector data to an EPM object
All alarms generated by the EPM Manager protocol (both the FE and BE elements) have alarm properties that link the alarm to the EPM entity system-wide. These properties are the System Name and System Type.
It is possible to have alarms generated at the collector level for the EPM object by adding the Topologies tag to the collector protocol and adding the Exposer options. The Cell name indicates the System Type and the specified LinkedId columnPid will indicate the System Name. If no column is specified, the display key of the table is used.
You can also link multiple rows to one object and have a table of all linked rows appear in the Data section of the EPM entity. For example:
<Cell name="Endpoint" table="2000">
<Exposer enabled="false">
<LinkedId columnPid="PID containing System Name">500</LinkedId>