Table of Contents


The S101 protocol is used for framing, allowing the Ember encoded data to be transmitted via any transport layer.

Control bytes

The following control bytes are used in the S101 protocol:

Name Value Description
BOF 0xFE Begin of Frame
EOF 0xFF End of Frame
CE 0xFD Character escape
XOR 0x20 XOR value for Character escape
BOFNE | Invalid 0xF8 Within a variant 1 packet, all bytes above or equal to this value must be escaped. Outside of a frame, this byte indicates a variant 2 packet which uses the Non-Escaping version of S101.


The first byte of the payload in S101 messages is the slot identifier, which is usually set to 0x00. The second byte contains the message type, which is set 0x0E for Ember. The third byte determines the command. The fourth byte determines the version, which is currently set to 0x01.

Value Command
0x00 EmBER Packet
0x01 Keep Alive Request
0x02 Keep Alive Response

The meaning of the remaining bytes depends on the specified command.

EmBER packet

When the command field is set to 0x00, the payload contains an encoded Ember packet.


The upper three bits of the flags are used to indicate partitioned ember packets.

Value Meaning
0xC0 Single-packet message
0x80 First multi-packet message
0x40 Last multi-packet message
0x20 Empty packet
0x00 A packet within a multi-packet message

The DTD byte defines the "Design Type Document" that is being used. This value must be set to one, which means that the Glow specification is used.

App Bytes

This field contains the number of bytes that follow before the payload begins.

The current version uses two application bytes, which contain the version number of the Glow DTD.


The payload contains the BER-encoded data.