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Microsoft Visual Studio keyboard shortcuts

The following table lists some useful keyboard shortcuts that you can use while working in Microsoft Visual Studio.

Command Keyboard shortcut Function
Edit.Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selected item to the Clipboard.
Edit.Cut Ctrl+X Deletes the selected item from the file and copies it to the Clipboard.
Edit.Paste Ctrl+V Inserts the Clipboard contents at the cursor.
Edit.Undo Ctrl+Z Reverses the last editing action.
Edit.WordNext Ctrl+Right arrow Moves the cursor one word to the right.
Edit.WordNextExtend Ctrl+Shift+Right arrow Extends the selection one word to the right.
Edit.Find Ctrl+F Displays the Quick tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.
Edit.FindinFiles Ctrl+Shift+F Displays the In Files tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.
Edit.FindNext F3 Finds the next occurrence of the search text.
Edit.FindPrevious Shift+F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the search text.
Edit.FindNextSelected Ctrl+F3 Finds the next occurrence of the currently selected text, or the word at the cursor.
Edit.FindPreviousSelected Ctrl+Shift+F3 Finds the previous occurrence of the currently selected text, or the word at the cursor.
Edit.CollapseAllOutlining Ctrl+M, Ctrl+A Collapses all regions on the page to show only the outermost groups in the hierarchy; typically the using/imports section and the namespace definition.
Edit.ExpandAllOutlining Ctrl+M, Ctrl+X Expands all collapsed regions on the page.
Edit.CommentSelection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C Applies comment characters for the current language to the current selection.
Edit.UncommentSelection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U Removes the comment syntax from the current line of code.
Edit.CompleteWord Ctrl+Space Completes the current word in the completion list.
Edit.FormatDocument Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D Formats the current document according to the indentation and code formatting settings specified on the Formatting pane in the Options dialog box, for the current language.
Edit.FormatSelection Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F Formats the current selection according to the indentation and code formatting settings specified on the Formatting pane in the Options dialog box, for the current language.
Edit.InsertSnippet Ctrl+K, Ctrl+X Displays the Code Snippet Picker. The selected code snippet will be inserted at the cursor position.
Edit.MakeLowercase Ctrl+U Changes the selected text to lowercase characters.
Edit.MakeUppercase Ctrl+Shift+U Changes the selected text to uppercase characters.
Edit.ViewWhiteSpace Ctrl+E, Ctrl+S Shows or hides spaces and tab marks.
Window.NextDocumentWindowNav Ctrl+Tab Displays the IDE Navigator, with the first document window selected.