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The use of DMS Notify types has been deprecated. Use types from the Class Library instead.

Gets the global element ID of (the) element(s) configured with the provided IP and bus address.

string ip = "";
string bus = "20.0F";
int type = 76;
int subType = 0;

string[] ipBus = new string[] { ip, bus };
object result = new object();

DMS dms = new DMS();
dms.Notify(type/*DMS_GET_ELEMENT_ID_FROM_IP*/ , subType, ipBus, null, out result);

string globalElementID = (string)result;


  • type (int): Specifies the notify type. To perform a DMS_GET_ELEMENT_ID_FROM_IP call, set this to 76.

  • subType (int): Specifies the sub type. Not applicable for DMS_GET_ELEMENT_ID_FROM_IP calls. Set this to 0.

  • ipBus (string[]):

    • ip: IP address
    • bus: bus address
  • result (object): global element ID(s) (DMA ID/element ID) as string.


  • To get all the elements using a specific IP but ignore the bus address, provide a null reference for the bus variable.
  • In case the result contains more than one global element ID, these will be separated by a semicolon (";").
  • In case no element was found on the DMS with the provided settings, an empty string will be returned.