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Gets the alarm info of the specified standalone parameter(s).

uint dmaId = 346;
uint elementId = 527643;
uint[] elementInfo = new uint[] { dmaId, elementId };
uint[] parameterIds = new uint[] { 100, 300 };

object[] result = (object[]) protocol.NotifyDataMiner(48 /* NT_GET_ALARM_INFO */, elementInfo, parameterIds);


  • elementInfo (uint[]): Specifies the element
    • elementInfo[0]: The DMA ID of the element.
    • elementInfo[1]: The element ID of the element.
  • parameterIds (uint[]): The IDs of the standalone parameters for which the alarm info is to be retrieved.

Return Value

  • (object[]): Object array containing an uint[] array for each parameter.
uint[] entry = (uint[]) result[i];

The structure of an entry in the result array is as follows:

  • entry[0]: parameter ID.
  • entry[1]: current alarm state.
  • entry[0]: current alarm ID (optional).


  • In case you want to retrieve the alarm info of a single standalone parameter, you can specify an int instead of an uint[] for the second parameter. For example:
int parameterId = 1000;

object[] result = (object[]) protocol.NotifyDataMiner(48 /* NT_GET_ALARM_INFO */, elementInfo, parameterId);

•In case you want to retrieve the alarm info of all monitored standalone parameters, you can specify a null reference for the second argument. For example:

object[] result = (object[]) protocol.NotifyDataMiner(48 /* NT_GET_ALARM_INFO */, elementInfo, null);