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Retrieves available protocols.

int fileType = 0; // Protocols
int versionType = 0;

object[] protocols = (object[])protocol.NotifyDataMiner(98 /*NT_GET_AVAILABLE_FILES*/, fileType, versionType);

if (protocols.Length > 0)
    for (int i = 0; i < protocols.Length; i++)
        string[] protocolInfo = (string[])protocols[i];

        if (protocolInfo.Length > 0)
            string protocolName = protocolInfo[0];
            string protocolType = protocolInfo[1];
            string protocolSignedVersions = protocolInfo[2];
            string protocolParentProtocol = protocolInfo[3];

            for (int j = 4; j < protocolInfo.Length; j++)
                string protocolVersion = protocolInfo[j];


  • (int) fileType: 0 for protocols.
  • (int) version: Specifies the version of the info to be returned.

Return Value

  • protocols (object[]): Array of string arrays containing information about every protocol on the DMA. For version 0, the return value is structured as follows:
    • protocols[0….n]: protocolInfo (string[])
      • protocolInfo[0]: Protocol name.
      • protocolInfo[1]: Protocol type (Enumeration).
      • protocolInfo[2]: List of signed protocols.
      • protocolInfo[3]: Parent protocol (DVE child protocols).
      • protocolInfo[4…i]: Protocol versions (Production version: "Production:a.b.c.d".