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Gets the raw data of the specified item.

string itemType = "parameter";
int itemID = 110;
object data = protocol.NotifyProtocol(60, itemType, itemID);

if (data != null)
    object[] dataBytes = (object[])data;
    byte[] bytes = new byte[dataBytes.Length];

    Array.Copy(dataBytes, bytes, bytes.Length);



  • itemType (string): The type of the item. Currently only "parameter" is supported.
  • itemID (int): The ID of the item.

Return Value

  • (object): An object array where each item is a byte. In case the specified item does not exist, a null reference is returned.


  • The SLProtocol interface defines a wrapper method "GetData" for this call. See SLProtocol.GetData method and SLProtocol.IsEmpty method.