Table of Contents


Gets the (1-based) internal position of the row.


Retrieving the key position of a table of the local element:

int tableID = 1000;
string primaryKey = "Row 4";

int keyPosition = Convert.ToInt32(protocol.NotifyProtocol(163 /*NT_GET_KEY_POSITION*/ , tableID, primaryKey));
  • parameterID (int): ID of the table parameter.
  • primaryKey (string): Primary key of the row for which the position needs to be retrieved.

Retrieving the key position of a table of a remote element:

uint dmaID = 364;
uint elementID = 100;
uint parameterID = 1000;
uint[] ids = new uint[] { dmaID; elementID, parameterID };

int keyPosition = Convert.ToInt32(protocol.NotifyProtocol(163 /*NT_GET_KEY_POSITION*/ , ids, primaryKey));
  • ids (int[]):
    • ids[0]: DataMiner Agent ID.
    • ids[1]: Element ID.
    • ids[2]: ID of the table parameter.
  • primaryKey (string): Primary key of the row for which the position needs to be retrieved.

Return Value

  • (int): The (1-based) internal position of the row in the table. If the table does not contain a row with the provided primary key, the value 0 is returned.

See also

  • SLProtocol.GetKeyPosition method