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Gets a parameter value.


To retrieve a local parameter:

int parameterId = 10;
object result = protocol.NotifyProtocol(73/*NT_GET_PARAMETER*/, parameterId, null);

if (result != null)
  • parameterId (int): Parameter ID

To retrieve a parameter value from a remote element:

uint dmaID = 346;
uint elementID = 193;
uint parameterID = 1017;
uint[] ids = new uint[] { dmaID, elementID, parameterID };
object[] result = (object[])protocol.NotifyDataMiner(73/*NT_GET_PARAMETER*/, ids, null);

if (result != null && result.Length > 0)
    string parameterValue = Convert.ToString(result[0]);

  • ids (uint[]):
    • ids[0]: DMA ID
    • ids[1]: Element ID
    • ids[2]: Parameter ID

Return Value

Local parameter:

  • (object): The parameter value.

Remote parameter:

  • result (object[]): object array containing the parameter value.


  • To retrieve a parameter using this call, the parameter must have RTDisplay set to "true".
  • The SLProtocol interface defines a wrapper method "GetParameter" for this call. SeeSLProtocol.GetParameter method and SLProtocol.GetParameters method.