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Sets a parameter with wait.

uint dmaID = 346;
uint elementID = 808;
uint parameterID = 10;

uint[] ids = new uint[] { dmaID, elementID, parameterID };

int value = 10;

protocol.NotifyDataMiner(167 /*NT_SET_PARAMETER_WITH_WAIT*/ , ids, value);


  • ids (uint[]):

    • ids[0]: DataMiner Agent ID
    • ids[1]: element ID
    • ids[2]: parameter ID
  • value (object): Value to set, depending on the type of set (standalone parameter, matrix, table cell)

    • Standalone parameter: Value is the value that needs to be set (e.g. a string).
    • Matrix: Value contains the input, output and the crosspoint that needs to be set (e.g. value = input + "," + output + "," + crosspoint;
    • Table cell: Value is object array identifying the cell that needs to be set.

    In this case, ids[2] specifies the ID of the column parameter.

    string primaryKey = "Row 1";
    int cellValue = 20;
    object[] paramArray = new object[] { primaryKey, cellValue };
    protocol.NotifyDataMiner(167, ids, paramArray);

Return Value

  • Does not return an object.