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NT_SET_ROW (225)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.


Preforming a set on the local element:

object[] rowDetails = new object[]{1000, "Row 5"};
object[] rowData = new object[] { null, 4, "Main" };
object result = protocol.NotifyProtocol(225, rowDetails, rowData);

if (result != null)
    object[] res = (object[])result;

  • rowDetails (object[]): The details specifying the row:
    • rowDetails[0]: table ID.
    • rowDetails[1]: (string) primary key.
    • rowDetails[2]: (DateTime) timestamp (optional).
    • rowDetails[3]: (bool) enableCellActions: When set to true, protocol.Clear and protocol.Leave can be used as cell values, which will clear or preserve the cell content, respectively. (Optional, default: false.)
  • rowData (object[]): The row data to set. In order to preserve the value of a cell, provide a null reference for that cell.

Performing a set on a remote element:

int dmaId = protocol.DataMinerID;
int elementId = protocol.ElementID;
int tableId = 6000;
string primaryKey = "1";
object[] rowDetails = new object[4];

rowDetails[0] = dmaId;
rowDetails[1] = elementId;
rowDetails[2] = tableId;
rowDetails[3] = primaryKey;

object[] rowData = new object[] { null, "test" };
object[] result = (object[]) protocol.NotifyDataMiner(225 /*NT_SET_ROW*/, rowDetails, rowData);
  • rowDetails (object[]): The details specifying the row.
    • rowDetails[0]: (int) DataMiner agent ID.
    • rowDetails[1]: (string) element ID.
    • rowDetails[2]: (int) table parameter ID.
    • rowDetails[3]: (string) primary key.
  • rowData (object[]): The row data to set. In order to preserve the value of a cell, provide a null reference for that cell.

Return Value

  • (object): In case the call was executed, an object[] is returned. The length of this array equals the length of the rowData array.


  • The SLProtocol interface defines a wrapper method "SetRow" for this call. See SLProtocol.SetRow method.
  • Prior to DataMiner 9.5.0 [CU11]/9.5.14 [CU1] (RN 19707), on a table with the AutoAdd option would get rejected when the row did not exist yet and the key was not provided in the rowData object array. The row will now be created with the key provided in the rowDetails.
  • From DataMiner 9.5.0 [CU11]/9.5.14 [CU1] (RN 19707) onwards, NT_SET_ROW (225) on a table with the AutoAdd option with a key that does not exist yet will ignore protocol.Leave and protocol.Clear values rather than set positive or negative infinity. The "use clear and leave" flag must be set to true.
  • From DataMiner 9.5.0 [CU11]/9.5.14 [CU1] (RN 19707) onwards, NT_SET_ROW (225) supports string values when the "use clear and leave" flag is set to true.