Performs an SNMP GET request without requiring an SNMP connection to be defined in the protocol.
var settings = new object[9]; // Minimum length: 2
var versionSpecificSettings = new object[2];
versionSpecificSettings[0] = 2; // SNMPv2
versionSpecificSettings[1] = "myGetCommunityString"; // Get community string
settings[0] = versionSpecificSettings; // Version specific settings
settings[1] = ""; // Destination IP address
settings[2] = 1611; // Destination port (String or Int32, will not overwrite the port specified with the IP address)
settings[3] = 1490; // Timeout (ms) (Int32)
settings[4] = 2; // Retries (Int32)
settings[5] = false; // Multiple Get (Boolean)
settings[6] = ""; // Instance (String)
settings[7] = 2; // Dynamic poll type: SingleGets (Int32)
settings[8] = false; // Split errors from values (Boolean)
string[] oidInfo = new string[1]; // String array of OIDs.
oidInfo[0] = "";
object[] result = (object[])protocol.NotifyDataMiner(424 /*NT_SNMP_RAW_GET*/, settings, oidInfo);
if (result != null && result.Length >= 1)
// Request succeeded, process result.
int value = Convert.ToInt32(result[0]);
// ...
// Request failed.
settings (object[]): Request info. At least the first two entries must be present.
settings[0] (object[]): (Required.) Version-specific information.
This array (referred to as versionSpecificSettings[] below) contains the SNMP version and information that only applies for specific SNMP versions.
versionSpecificSettings[0]: (int) SNMP version. Possible values:
- 1: SNMPv1
- 2: SNMPv2
- 3: SNMPv3
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2: (string) Get community string. Default: "public"
SNMPv3: (object[]): Authentication and encryption settings.
[0]: (string) Username. Default: empty string ("").
[1] (int): Security level. Possible values:
- 1: No authentication, no encryption
- 2: Authentication, no encryption
- 3: Authentication, Encryption
Default: 1 (No authentication, no encryption)
[2] (int): Authentication algorithm. Possible values:
- 1: None
- 2: HMAC-MD5
- 4: HMAC128-SHA-224
- 5: HMAC192-SHA-256
- 6: HMAC256-SHA-384
- 7: HMAC384-SHA-512
Default: 1 (None)
[3] (string): Authentication password. Default: empty string ("").
[4] (int): Encryption algorithm. Possible values:
- 1: None
- 2: DES
- 3: N/A, deprecated
- 4: AES128
- 20: AES192
- 21: AES256
Default: 1 (None)
[5] (string): Encryption passphrase. Default: empty string ("")
Default is used when the object in the array is null or of the wrong type.
settings[1] (string): (Required.) Specifies the destination address, which can optionally include the port.
settings[2] (string or int): (Optional.) Specifies the destination port. Default: 161.
In case a port is specified in requestSettings[1], that port will be used instead of the one specified here.
settings[3] (int): (Optional.) Specifies the timeout in ms. Default: 1500 ms.
The resolution of the timeout is 10 ms.
settings[4] (int): (Optional.) Specifies the number of retries. Default: 3.
settings[5] (bool): (Optional.) Specifies whether multiple variable bindings is used.
Default: false.
settings[6] (string): (Optional.) Instance. Default: Empty string ("").
settings[7] (int): (Optional.) Dynamic Poll Type. Possible values:
- 0: Fallback
- 1: MultipleGet
- 2: SingleGets
Default: 2 (SingleGets)
settings[8] (bool): (Optional.) Split errors from values. Default: false.
settings[9] (string): Optional. GUID of entry in credentials library.
If you pass a GUID, you do not need to pass any credentials.
If you do not pass a GUID or you pass an empty string instead of a GUID, you must pass credentials in plain text. When you pass neither a GUID nor plain-text credentials, the request will be considered invalid.
- Library credentials take precedence over plain-text credentials.
- If you pass an invalid GUID (either a non-existing GUID or a GUID of an incorrect type), the request will be considered invalid. There will be no fallback to plain-text credentials.
Values not provisioned or left null will be initialized with their default value.
oidInfo (string[]): Array containing the OIDs that need to be retrieved.
Return Value
- (object[]): Array holding the values of the requested OIDs. The size of the object array equals the number of items requested.
- If the "multiple get" Boolean (settings[5]) is false, separate SNMP messages will be used to poll each OID, and if the "multiple get" Boolean (settings[5]) is true, a single SNMP message will be used to poll the OIDs.
- Retrieving SNMP data using this method does not affect the timeout state of the element.