Table of Contents


Updates the configuration of the specified matrix.

int agentId = 346; // For DELT compatibility.
int elementId = 806;
int parameterId = 4000;
int changeType = 9;

string updateConfig = changeType + ";" + elementId + ";" + parameterId + ";" + agentId;

int inputs = 8;
int outputs = 8;

string updateValue = inputs + ";" + outputs;

int result = (int) protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, updateConfig, updateValue);

if (result != 0)
    protocol.Log("QA" + protocol.QActionID + "|Port update failed: " + updateConfig + ", " + updateValue, LogType.Error, LogLevel.NoLogging);



  • updateConfig (string): String formatted as follows: "ChangeType;elementID;parameterID;agentID".

    ChangeType is an integer that can take one of the following values:

    ChangeType Description
    0 Label
    1 State
    2 Current settings
    3 Page info
    4 Not allowed
    5 Allowed
    6 Lock info
    7 Follow info
    8 Master info
    9 Size
    10 Matrix layout (supported from DataMiner 10.0.8 (RN 25456, RN 25892) onwards)
  • updateValue (string): Updated value. The format of this string depends on the specified changeType. To set the size of the matrix, the updateValue string needs to be formatted as follows: inputs + ";" + outputs.

Return Value

  • (int): Indicates if the update succeeded or not. 0 = Succeeded, 1 = Failed.


  • When an update is performed, DataMiner creates a file, labels.xml, containing the updated matrix configuration (which is stored in the folder of the element C:\Skyline DataMiner\Elements\[Element Name]).
  • The size of a matrix can never be larger than the size that is hard-coded in the driver.
  • From DataMiner 9.6.11 (RN 23052) onwards, when labels are updated on a matrix element with the Notify DataMiner call NT_UPDATE_PORTS_XML (128), at most one information event will be generated with parameter description "Link File" and value "edited by ...".
  • Bulk edit: It is also possible to group multiple updates in one call. To perform a bulk update, the parameters should be formatted as follows:
    • updateConfigs (object[]): Contains the different update configurations, where each entry is a uint[] with the following structure:

      • updateConfig[0]: Denotes the type of change. Refer to the table for the single update for more info on the possible values.
      • updateConfig[1]: Element ID
      • updateConfig[2]: Matrix parameter ID
      • updateConfig[3]: Agent ID
      • updateConfig[4]: Flag indicating whether a parameter of type "discreet info" should not be triggered. 1: no discreet info trigger. Feature introduced in DataMiner 9.6.11 (RN 23052).
    • updateValues (object[]): Contains the different update values, where each entry is a string[], with the following structure:

      • updateValue[0]: Depends on the type of change. This corresponds with the first part (before the semicolon) of the updateValue string in the single call.
      • updateValue[1]: Depends on the type of change. This corresponds with the second part (after the semicolon) of the updateValue string in the single call.


      uint agentId = 346; // For DELT compatibility.
      uint elementId = 531923;
      uint parameterId = 4000;
      uint changeType = 0;
      uint updateFileAtOnceNoDiscreetInfoTrigger = 1;
      uint[] updateConfig = new uint[5];
      updateConfig[0] = changeType;
      updateConfig[1] = elementId;
      updateConfig[2] = parameterId;
      updateConfig[3] = agentId;
      updateConfig[4] = updateFileAtOnceNoDiscreetInfoTrigger;
      string[] updateValue1 = new string[2];
      updateValue1[0] = "1";
      updateValue1[1] = "In A";
      string[] updateValue2 = new string[2];
      updateValue2[0] = "2";
      updateValue2[1] = "In B";
      object[] updateConfigs = new object[] { updateConfig, updateConfig };
      object[] updateValues = new object[] { updateValue1, updateValue2 };
      int result = protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued((int)NotifyType.UpdatePortsXml, updateConfigs, updateValues);


  • Setting the label of input 1 to "Test":

    protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, "0;" +elementId+";"+parameterId+";"+agentId, "1;test");
  • Setting state of input 1 to disabled:

    protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, "1;" +elementId+";"+parameterId+";"+agentId, "1;disabled");
  • Setting input 1 to page "testpage":

    protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, "3;" +elementId+";"+parameterId+";"+agentId, "1;testpage");
  • Setting output 1 and 2 to not allowed for input 1:

    protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, "4;" +elementId+";"+parameterId+";"+agentId, "1;17,18");
  • Setting output 1 and 2 to allowed for input 1:

    protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, "5;" +elementId+";"+parameterId+";"+agentId, "1;17,18");
  • Locking output 8 (16x16 matrix):

    protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, "6;" +elementId+";"+parameterId+";"+agentId, "24;true");
  • Output 1 is master of output 10:

    protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, "7;" +elementId+";"+parameterId+";"+agentId, "17;23");
  • Enable follow mode on output 10 (16x16 matrix):

    protocol.NotifyDataMinerQueued(128, "8;" +elementId+";"+parameterId+";"+agentId, "26;true");
  • Setting the matrix layout:

    Currently the following layouts are supported: InputLeftOutputTop and InputTopOutputLeft.

    protocol.NotifyDataMiner(128 /* NT_UPDATE_PORTS_XML */, "10;[ELEMENT_ID];[MATRIX_PARAM_ID];[DMA_ID]", "InputLeftOutputTop");
    protocol.NotifyDataMiner(128 /* NT_UPDATE_PORTS_XML */, "10;[ELEMENT_ID];[MATRIX_PARAM_ID];[DMA_ID]", "InputTopOutputLeft");
    protocol.NotifyDataMiner(128 /* NT_UPDATE_PORTS_XML */, "10;[ELEMENT_ID];[MATRIX_PARAM_ID];[DMA_ID]", MatrixLayoutOptions.INPUT_LEFT_OUTPUT_TOP);
    protocol.NotifyDataMiner(128 /* NT_UPDATE_PORTS_XML */, "10;[ELEMENT_ID];[MATRIX_PARAM_ID];[DMA_ID]", MatrixLayoutOptions.INPUT_TOP_OUTPUT_LEFT);

    MatrixLayoutOptions is defined in the Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Matrices namespace (SLNetTypes.dll)