Namespace Skyline.AppInstaller.ContentParser
- AlarmTemplate
Represents an alarm template.
- AppContentParser
Provides methods to access various type of content included in the package.
- AppPackageDeploymentActions
Represents the deployment actions to be executed during package installation.
- DefaultProtocolVisio
Represents an action to set the specified Visio file as active for a specific protocol.
- InformationTemplate
Represents an information template.
- ParsedAlarmTemplate
Class to describe an alarm template file.
- ParsedAppPackage
Represents a parsed DataMiner Application Package.
- ParsedAssembly
Class to describe an assembly file.
- ParsedAutomationScript
Class to describe an automation script file.
- ParsedDashboard
Class to describe a dashboard file.
- ParsedDmaProtocolPackage
Represents a parsed DataMiner Application Package.
- ParsedInformationTemplate
Class to describe an information template file.
- ParsedProtocol
Class to describe a protocol file.
- ParsedProtocolVersion
Represents a protocol version.
- ParsedSkylineDataminerFile
Class to describe a protocol file.
- ParsedTrendTemplate
Class to describe a trend template.
- ParsedVisio
Class to describe a Visio file.
- ParsedZipFile
Class to describe an exported zip file.
- ProductionProtocol
Represents an action to set the specified protocol as production.
- ProtocolTemplate
Represents a template that is applicable to all versions of a protocol.
- ProtocolVersionTemplate
Represents a template that is applicable to a specific protocol version.
- TemplatesToPreserve
Represents the templates to preserve.
- TrendTemplate
Represents a trend template.
- ZipType
Defines the types of zip files that can be included in an application package.