Namespace Skyline.AppInstaller
This namespace contains types to create DataMiner Application packages.
For more information about application packages, refer to Application packages.
- AlarmTemplate
Represents an alarm template.
- AppInfo
Metadata of an application package.
- AppInstaller
Class providing methods to install contents of a DMA application package on a DMS.
- AppPackage
Represents a DataMiner application package. Use an instance of AppPackage.AppPackageBuilder to create this.
- AppPackage.AppPackageBuilder
Application package builder.
- AppPackageAlarmTemplate
Represents an alarm template included in an application package.
- AppPackageAppPackage
Represents an app package that is part of an application package.
- AppPackageAssembly
An assembly to be included in an application package.
- AppPackageAutomationScript
Represents an Automation script of an App package.
- AppPackageAutomationScript.AppPackageAutomationScriptBuilder
Automation script builder.
- AppPackageAutomationScriptBuilderHelper
Helper class containing utility methods for working with Automation script builders.
- AppPackageDashboard
Represents a dashboard that is part of an application package.
- AppPackageDeploymentActions
Represents the deployment actions to be executed during package installation.
- AppPackageFile
Represents a file included in an application package.
- AppPackageFunction
Represents a function included in an application package.
- AppPackageInformationTemplate
Represents an information template included in an application package.
- AppPackageProtocol
Represents a protocol package. Use an instance of AppPackageProtocol.AppPackageProtocolBuilder to create this.
- AppPackageProtocol.AppPackageProtocolBuilder
Builder for creating protocol packages.
- AppPackageScript
Script of an application package.
- AppPackageTemplate
Represents a template included in an application package.
- AppPackageTrendTemplate
Represents a trend template included in an application package.
- AppPackageVisio
Represents a Visio file included in an application package.
- AppPackageVisioProtocol
Represents a protocol Visio file included in an application package.
- AppPackageZipExport
Represents a dashboard that is part of an application package.
- AssemblyUpdatedEventArgs
Provides data for the AssemblyUpdated event.
- DefaultProtocolVisio
Represents an action to set the specified VisioFilePath file as active for a specific protocol.
- InformationTemplate
Represents an information template.
- Logger
Allows the logging of messages during installation of application packages.
- ProductionProtocol
Represents an action to set the specified protocol as production.
- ProtocolTemplate
Represents a template that is applicable to all versions of a protocol.
- ProtocolVersionTemplate
Represents a template that is applicable to a specific protocol version.
- TemplatesToPreserve
Represents the templates to preserve.
- TrendTemplate
Represents a trend template.
- IAppPackage
Application package interface. Use an instance of AppPackage.AppPackageBuilder to create this.
- IAppPackageAlarmTemplate
Interface for an alarm template to be included in an application package.
- IAppPackageAppPackage
Represents an app package that is part of an application package.
- IAppPackageAssembly
Interface for an assembly to be included in an application package.
- IAppPackageAssemblyReferencer
Interface for referencing assemblies to include in an application package.
- IAppPackageAutomationScript
Represents an Automation script that is part of an application package.
- IAppPackageAutomationScriptBuilder
Application package Automation script builder.
- IAppPackageAutomationScriptBuilderHelper
Automation script builder helper interface.
- IAppPackageBuilder
Application package builder interface.
- IAppPackageDashboard
Represents a dashboard that is part of an application package.
- IAppPackageFile
Represents a file to be included in an application package.
- IAppPackageFunction
Interface of a function that is included in an application package.
- IAppPackageInformationTemplate
Interface of an information template to be included in an application package.
- IAppPackageProtocol
Protocol package interface. Use an instance of AppPackageProtocol.AppPackageProtocolBuilder to create this.
- IAppPackageProtocolBuilder
Protocol builder interface.
- IAppPackageScript
Interface of a script of an application package.
- IAppPackageTemplate
Interface of a template that is included in an application package.
- IAppPackageTrendTemplate
Interface of a trend template to be included in an application package.
- IAppPackageVisio
Interface of a Visio file that is included in an application package.
- IAppPackageZipExport
Represents an exported zip file that is part of an application package.
- ZipType
Defines the types of zip files that can be included in an application package.
- AssemblyUpdatedEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle the event.