Table of Contents

Class Element


Represents a DataMiner element.

public class Element : IActionableElement
Extension Methods



Gets the ID of the DataMiner Agent on which the element was created.


Gets the script dummy that is linked to this element.


Gets the ID of the element that is linked to the dummy.


Gets the element info message.


Gets the name of the element that is linked to the dummy.


Gets the ID of the underlying dummy that is linked to the element. This is not the ID of the element itself. To retrieve that one, use the ElementId property.


Gets a value indicating whether this element is active.


Gets the name of the underlying dummy that is linked to the element. This is not the name of the element itself. To retrieve that one, use the ElementName property.


Gets the polling IP address of the element that is linked to the dummy.


Gets the protocol info message.


Gets the name of the protocol used by this element.


Gets the protocol version used by this element.


ConnectMatrixCrosspoint(int, int, int)

Connects the specified matrix crosspoint.

ConnectMatrixCrosspoint(int, string, string)

Connects the specified matrix crosspoint.

ConnectMatrixCrosspoint(string, int, int)

Connects the specified matrix crosspoint.

ConnectMatrixCrosspoint(string, string, string)

Connects the specified matrix crosspoint.

DisconnectMatrixCrosspoint(int, int, int)

Disconnects the specified matrix crosspoint.

DisconnectMatrixCrosspoint(int, string, string)

Disconnects the specified matrix crosspoint.

DisconnectMatrixCrosspoint(string, int, int)

Disconnects the specified matrix crosspoint.

DisconnectMatrixCrosspoint(string, string, string)

Disconnects the specified matrix crosspoint.

FindDisplayKey(int, string)

Gets the display key that corresponds with the specified primary key.

FindDisplayKey(string, string)

Gets the display key that corresponds with the specified primary key.


Gets the ID that corresponds with the specified parameter name.

FindParameterID(string, bool)

Gets the ID that corresponds with the specified parameter name.

FindPrimaryKey(int, string)

Gets the primary key that corresponds with the specified display key.

FindPrimaryKey(string, string)

Gets the primary key that corresponds with the specified display key.


Gets the name of the view this element is a member of.


Gets the names of all the views this element is a member of.


Gets the ID of the write parameter with the specified name.

GetDisplayValue(int, string)

Gets the display value that corresponds with the specified raw value of the specified parameter.

GetDisplayValue(string, string)

Gets the display value that corresponds with the specified raw value of the specified parameter.


Retrieves the specified DCF interface.


Retrieves the specified DCF interface.


Retrieves all DCF interfaces of this element.

GetInterfacesByName(string, bool)

Retrieves the DCF interfaces that match the specified filter.


Retrieves the DCF interfaces of the specified interface type.

GetMatrixInputForOutput(int, int)

Gets the input that is connected to the specified output.

GetMatrixInputForOutput(int, string)

Gets the input that is connected to the specified output.

GetMatrixInputForOutput(string, int)

Gets the input that is connected to the specified output.

GetMatrixInputForOutput(string, string)

Gets the input that is connected to the specified output.


Gets the value of the specified parameter.

GetParameter(int, string)

Gets the value of the specified table cell.


Gets the value of the specified parameter.

GetParameter(string, string)

Gets the value of the specified table cell.

GetParameterByPrimaryKey(int, string)

Gets the value of the specified table cell using the primary key.

GetParameterByPrimaryKey(string, string)

Gets the value of the specified table cell using the primary key.


Gets the display value of the specified standalone parameter.

GetParameterDisplay(int, string)

Gets the display value of the specified table cell.


Gets the display value of the specified standalone parameter.

GetParameterDisplay(string, string)

Gets the display value of the specified table cell.

GetParameterDisplayByPrimaryKey(int, string)

Gets the display value of the specified table cell using the column name and row primary key.

GetParameterDisplayByPrimaryKey(string, string)

Gets the display value of the specified table cell using the column name and row primary key.


Gets the value of the specified element property.

GetRawValue(int, string)

Gets the value that corresponds with the specified display value of the specified parameter.

GetRawValue(string, string)

Gets the value that corresponds with the specified display value of the specified parameter.


Gets the ID of the read parameter that corresponds with the specified write parameter ID.


Gets the ID of the read parameter that corresponds with the specified write parameter ID.


Gets an object that can be used to change the specified preset.


Gets the display keys of the specified table.


Gets the display keys of the specified table.


Gets the primary key to display key map of the specified table.


Gets the primary key to display key map of the specified table.


Gets the primary keys of the specified table.


Gets the primary keys of the specified table.


Gets the ID of the write parameter that corresponds with the specified read parameter.


Gets the ID of the write parameter that corresponds with the specified read parameter.


Returns a value indicating whether the element has a property with the specified name.

IsMatrixCrosspointConnected(int, int, int)

Returns a value indicating whether the specified matrix crosspoint is connected.

IsMatrixCrosspointConnected(int, string, string)

Returns a value indicating whether the specified matrix crosspoint is connected.

IsMatrixCrosspointConnected(string, int, int)

Returns a value indicating whether the specified matrix crosspoint is connected.

IsMatrixCrosspointConnected(string, string, string)

Returns a value indicating whether the specified matrix crosspoint is connected.


Masks the element that is linked to the dummy.

Mask(string, int)

Masks the element that is linked to the dummy for the specified period of time.


Masks the element that is linked to the dummy until all its alarms have been cleared.

MatrixEnableInputLine(int, int, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix input.

MatrixEnableInputLine(int, string, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix input.

MatrixEnableInputLine(string, int, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix input.

MatrixEnableInputLine(string, string, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix input.

MatrixEnableLine(int, bool, int, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixEnableLine(int, bool, string, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixEnableLine(string, bool, int, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixEnableLine(string, bool, string, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixEnableOutputLine(int, int, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix output.

MatrixEnableOutputLine(int, string, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix output.

MatrixEnableOutputLine(string, int, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix output.

MatrixEnableOutputLine(string, string, bool)

Enables or disables the specified matrix output.

MatrixGetFollowMode(int, int)

Gets a value indicating whether "follow mode" is enabled on the specified matrix output.

MatrixGetFollowMode(int, string)

Gets a value indicating whether "follow mode" is enabled on the specified matrix output.

MatrixGetFollowMode(string, int)

Gets a value indicating whether "follow mode" is enabled on the specified matrix output.

MatrixGetFollowMode(string, string)

Gets a value indicating whether "follow mode" is enabled on the specified matrix output.

MatrixGetIndexFromLabel(int, bool, string)

Gets the index of the input or output that corresponds with the specified input or output label.

MatrixGetIndexFromLabel(string, bool, string)

Gets the index of the input or output that corresponds with the specified input or output label.

MatrixGetInputIndexFromInputLabel(int, string)

Gets the index of the input that corresponds with the specified input label.

MatrixGetInputIndexFromInputLabel(string, string)

Gets the index of the input that corresponds with the specified input label.

MatrixGetInputLabel(int, int)

Gets the label of the specified matrix input.

MatrixGetInputLabel(string, int)

Gets the label of the specified matrix input.

MatrixGetInputLockMode(int, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input is locked.

MatrixGetInputLockMode(int, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input is locked.

MatrixGetInputLockMode(string, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input is locked.

MatrixGetInputLockMode(string, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input is locked.

MatrixGetLabel(int, bool, int)

Gets the label of the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixGetLabel(string, bool, int)

Gets the label of the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixGetLockMode(int, bool, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified input or output is locked.

MatrixGetLockMode(int, bool, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified input or output is locked.

MatrixGetLockMode(string, bool, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified input or output is locked.

MatrixGetLockMode(string, bool, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified input or output is locked.

MatrixGetOutputIndexFromOutputLabel(int, string)

Gets the index of the output that corresponds with the specified output label.

MatrixGetOutputIndexFromOutputLabel(string, string)

Gets the index of the output that corresponds with the specified output label.

MatrixGetOutputLabel(int, int)

Gets the label of the specified matrix output.

MatrixGetOutputLabel(string, int)

Gets the label of the specified matrix output.

MatrixGetOutputLockMode(int, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix output is locked.

MatrixGetOutputLockMode(int, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix output is locked.

MatrixGetOutputLockMode(string, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix output is locked.

MatrixGetOutputLockMode(string, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix output is locked.

MatrixIsInputLineEnabled(int, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input is enabled.

MatrixIsInputLineEnabled(int, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input is enabled.

MatrixIsInputLineEnabled(string, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input is enabled.

MatrixIsInputLineEnabled(string, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input is enabled.

MatrixIsLineEnabled(int, bool, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input or output is enabled.

MatrixIsLineEnabled(int, bool, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input or output is enabled.

MatrixIsLineEnabled(string, bool, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input or output is enabled.

MatrixIsLineEnabled(string, bool, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix input or output is enabled.

MatrixIsOutputLineEnabled(int, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix output is enabled.

MatrixIsOutputLineEnabled(int, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix output is enabled.

MatrixIsOutputLineEnabled(string, int)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix output is enabled.

MatrixIsOutputLineEnabled(string, string)

Gets a value indicating whether the specified matrix output is enabled.

MatrixSetFollowMaster(int, int, int)

Configures a slave output to follow a master output on the specified matrix.

MatrixSetFollowMaster(int, string, string)

Configures a slave output to follow a master output on the specified matrix.

MatrixSetFollowMaster(string, int, int)

Configures a slave output to follow a master output on the specified matrix.

MatrixSetFollowMaster(string, string, string)

Configures a slave output to follow a master output on the specified matrix.

MatrixSetFollowMode(int, int, bool)

Enables or disables the ‘follow mode’ of the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetFollowMode(int, string, bool)

Enables or disables the ‘follow mode’ of the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetFollowMode(string, int, bool)

Enables or disables the ‘follow mode’ of the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetFollowMode(string, string, bool)

Enables or disables the ‘follow mode’ of the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetInputLabel(int, int, string)

Sets the label of the specified input.

MatrixSetInputLabel(int, string, string)

Sets the label of the specified input.

MatrixSetInputLabel(string, int, string)

Sets the label of the specified input.

MatrixSetInputLabel(string, string, string)

Sets the label of the specified input.

MatrixSetInputLockMode(int, int, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix input.

MatrixSetInputLockMode(int, string, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix input.

MatrixSetInputLockMode(string, int, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix input.

MatrixSetInputLockMode(string, string, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix input.

MatrixSetLabel(int, bool, int, string)

Sets the label of the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixSetLabel(int, bool, string, string)

Sets the label of the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixSetLabel(string, bool, int, string)

Sets the label of the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixSetLabel(string, bool, string, string)

Sets the label of the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixSetLockMode(int, bool, int, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixSetLockMode(int, bool, string, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixSetLockMode(string, bool, int, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixSetLockMode(string, bool, string, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix input or output.

MatrixSetOutputLabel(int, int, string)

Sets the label of the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetOutputLabel(int, string, string)

Sets the label of the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetOutputLabel(string, int, string)

Sets the label of the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetOutputLabel(string, string, string)

Sets the label of the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetOutputLockMode(int, int, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetOutputLockMode(int, string, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetOutputLockMode(string, int, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix output.

MatrixSetOutputLockMode(string, string, bool)

Locks or unlocks the specified matrix output.

MatrixStopBeingMaster(int, int)

Stops the specified matrix output from being a master output.

MatrixStopBeingMaster(int, string)

Stops the specified matrix output from being a master output.

MatrixStopBeingMaster(string, int)

Stops the specified matrix output from being a master output.

MatrixStopBeingMaster(string, string)

Stops the specified matrix output from being a master output.


Pauses the element that is linked to the dummy.


Removes the link between this element and the alarm template that is assigned to it. This sets the element to “Not Monitored”.


Removes the link between an element and the trend template that is assigned to it. This disables trending for the element.


Restarts the element that is linked to the dummy.


Assigns the specified alarm template to the element.

SetParameter(int, object)

Sets the value of the specified parameter.

SetParameter(int, string, object)

Sets the value of the specified cell.

SetParameter(string, object)

Sets the value of the specified parameter.

SetParameter(string, string, object)

Sets the value of the specified cell.

SetParameterByPrimaryKey(int, string, object)

Sets the value of a cell specified using the primary key instead of the display key.

SetParameterByPrimaryKey(string, string, object)

Sets the value of a cell specified using the primary key instead of the display key.

SetPropertyValue(string, string)

Sets the value of a writable element property.


Assigns the specified trend template to the element.


Disables a spectrum monitor.


Disables a spectrum monitor.


Enables a spectrum monitor.


Enables a spectrum monitor.


Gets the ID that corresponds with the specified spectrum measurement point name.


Gets the ID that corresponds with the specified spectrum monitor name.


Returns a value indicating whether the specified spectrum monitor is enabled.


Returns a value indicating whether the specified spectrum monitor is enabled.

SpectrumSelectMeasurementPointsForMonitor(int, params int[])

Selects the measurement point(s) on which a spectrum monitor has to be executed.

SpectrumSelectMeasurementPointsForMonitor(string, params string[])

Selects the measurement point(s) on which a spectrum monitor has to be executed.


Starts the element that is linked to the dummy.


Stops the element that is linked to the dummy.


Unmasks the element that is linked to the dummy.