Table of Contents

Method FindInteractiveClient


FindInteractiveClient(string, int, string, AutomationScriptAttachOptions)

Asks input from a user.

bool FindInteractiveClient(string message, int timeoutTime, string allowedGroups, AutomationScriptAttachOptions options)


message string

The message to be shown.

timeoutTime int

A timeout (in seconds). When this timeout expires, the script will continue and the FindInteractiveClient method will return “False”. The script can then decide how to deal with this result: issue a new request, fail, or execute automatic actions.

allowedGroups string

Indication of which users will receive the request, i.e. a list of DataMiner security group names, separated by semicolons. In this list of groups, you can also specify individual users. To do so, specify “user:”, followed by the user name.

options AutomationScriptAttachOptions

Options in the form of a set of binary flags.



true if attaching to the interactive client succeeded; otherwise, false.


string allowedGroups = "grpA;grpB";
bool ok = engine.FindInteractiveClient("Hello world", 100 , allowedGroups, AutomationScriptAttachOptions.None);
if (!ok)
	engine.GenerateInformation("Could not attach");
	engine.GenerateInformation("Attached! As " + engine.UserDisplayName);
	engine.ShowProgress("A message");
	engine.ShowUI("Another message", true);


In an Automation script executed from e.g. a scheduled background task or as a Correlation action, you can use the FindInteractiveClient method to ask for input from a user.

In a message box, the user will be asked to click either Attach or Ignore.

  • If the user clicks Attach, the script will start in a pop-up window.
  • If the user clicks Ignore, the message box will be closed.

In DataMiner Cube, you can also use the script action Find interactive client, instead of using C#. For more information, see Find interactive client.



Failed to find interactive client.

FindInteractiveClient(string, int, string)

Asks input from a user.

bool FindInteractiveClient(string message, int timeoutTime, string allowedGroups)


message string

The message to be shown.

timeoutTime int

A timeout (in seconds). When this timeout expires, the script will continue and the FindInteractiveClient method will return “False”. The script can then decide how to deal with this result: issue a new request, fail, or execute automatic actions.

allowedGroups string

Indication of which users will receive the request, i.e. a list of DataMiner security group names, separated by semicolons. In this list of groups, you can also specify individual users. To do so, specify “user:”, followed by the user name.



true if attaching to the interactive client succeeded; otherwise, false.


string allowedGroups = "grpA;grpB";
bool ok = engine.FindInteractiveClient("Hello world", 100 , allowedGroups, AutomationScriptAttachOptions.None);
if (!ok)
	engine.GenerateInformation("Could not attach");
	engine.GenerateInformation("Attached! As " + engine.UserDisplayName);
	engine.ShowProgress("A message");
	engine.ShowUI("Another message", true);


In an Automation script executed from e.g. a scheduled background task or as a Correlation action, you can use the FindInteractiveClient method to ask for input from a user.

In a message box, the user will be asked to click either Attach or Ignore.

  • If the user clicks Attach, the script will start in a pop-up window.
  • If the user clicks Ignore, the message box will be closed.

In DataMiner Cube, you can also use the script action Find interactive client, instead of using C#. For more information, see Find interactive client.



Failed to find interactive client.

FindInteractiveClient(string, int)

Asks input from a user.

bool FindInteractiveClient(string message, int timeoutTime)


message string

The message to be shown.

timeoutTime int

A timeout (in seconds). When this timeout expires, the script will continue and the FindInteractiveClient method will return “False”. The script can then decide how to deal with this result: issue a new request, fail, or execute automatic actions.



true if attaching to the interactive client succeeded; otherwise, false.


string allowedGroups = "grpA;grpB";
bool ok = engine.FindInteractiveClient("Hello world", 100 , allowedGroups, AutomationScriptAttachOptions.None);

	engine.GenerateInformation("Could not attach");
	engine.GenerateInformation("Attached! As " + engine.UserDisplayName);
	engine.ShowProgress("A message");
	engine.ShowUI("Another message", true);


In an Automation script executed from e.g. a scheduled background task or as a Correlation action, you can use the FindInteractiveClient method to ask for input from a user.

In a message box, the user will be asked to click either Attach or Ignore.

  • If the user clicks Attach, the script will start in a pop-up window.
  • If the user clicks Ignore, the message box will be closed.

In DataMiner Cube, you can also use the script action Find interactive client, instead of using C#. For more information, see Find interactive client.



Failed to find interactive client.