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Method SetAlarmProperty


SetAlarmProperty(AlarmTreeID, string, string)

Updates a custom alarm property.

void SetAlarmProperty(AlarmTreeID alarmTreeID, string propertyName, string propertyValue)


alarmTreeID AlarmTreeID

The alarm tree to update.

propertyName string

The name of the property.

propertyValue string

The value to set.



  • When an alarm property value has been defined in the element protocol, and this method is used to explicitly assign a new value to the property, the new value will only be retained until the severity of the alarm changes. After this, the value from the protocol is used again.

SetAlarmProperty(int, int, int, string, string)

Updates a custom alarm property.

void SetAlarmProperty(int dataMinerID, int elementID, int alarmID, string propertyName, string propertyValue)


dataMinerID int

The DataMiner Agent ID.

elementID int

The element ID.

alarmID int

The alarm ID.

propertyName string

The name of the property.

propertyValue string

The value to set.



  • In DataMiner versions prior to 9.0, this method cannot be used to override alarm property values that are defined in the element protocol.
  • When an alarm property value has been defined in the element protocol, and this method is used to explicitly assign a new value to the property, the new value will only be retained until the severity of the alarm changes. After this, the value from the protocol is used again.
  • For performance reasons, we recommend using the overload that takes an AlarmTreeID instead.

SetAlarmProperty(int, int, string, string)

Updates a custom alarm property.

[Obsolete("Please use the overload that takes an AlarmTreeID (still supported in <= 10.6 on non-swarming systems)")]
void SetAlarmProperty(int dataMinerID, int alarmID, string propertyName, string propertyValue)


dataMinerID int

The DataMiner Agent ID.

alarmID int

The alarm ID.

propertyName string

The property name.

propertyValue string

The value to set.


engine.SetAlarmProperty(200, 521655, "Property A", "Value A");



  • In DataMiner versions prior to 9.0, this method cannot be used to override alarm property values that are defined in the element protocol.
  • When an alarm property value has been defined in the element protocol, and this method is used to explicitly assign a new value to the property, the new value will only be retained until the severity of the alarm changes. After this, the value from the protocol is used again.
  • Although this method is obsolete, it will still work on a DMS without Swarming enabled until 10.6.