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Method IncludeElement


IncludeElement(IActionableElement, params MailReportParameter[])

Adds the specified parameters of the specified dummy element to this report.

public void IncludeElement(IActionableElement dummy, params MailReportParameter[] @params)


dummy IActionableElement

The element from which the specified parameters should be included.

params MailReportParameter[]

The parameters to be included in the mail report.


For an example showing how to pass single-value parameters as well as table cells to a report, see below:

Element dummy1 = engine.FindElement("My Element");
MailReportOptions reportOptions = engine.PrepareMailReport("Report Name");
// Add single-value parameter
reportOptions.IncludeElement(dummy1, new MailReportParameter(dummy1, "Total Processor Load");
// Add table cell
reportOptions.IncludeElement(dummy1, new MailReportParameter(dummy1, "Bandwidth", "Eth0");

In the example above, the index argument has to contain the display key. If necessary, use the FindDisplayKey method on the element or the dummy to retrieve that key. See FindDisplayKey(int, string).


Allows including table cells.

IncludeElement(IActionableElement, params string[])

Adds the specified parameters of the specified dummy element to this report.

public void IncludeElement(IActionableElement dummy, params string[] @params)


dummy IActionableElement

The element from which the specified parameters should be included.

params string[]

The names of the standalone parameters to be included in the mail report.

IncludeElement(int, int, params MailReportParameter[])

Adds the specified parameters of the specified element to this report.

public void IncludeElement(int dmaid, int eid, params MailReportParameter[] @params)


dmaid int

The DataMiner Agent ID of the element from which the specified parameters should be included.

eid int

The element ID of the element from which the specified parameters should be included.

params MailReportParameter[]

The parameters to be included in the mail report.