Table of Contents

Class SubScriptOptions


Represents options related to subscript execution.

public class SubScriptOptions
Extension Methods



Gets or sets a value indicating whether the script will return more detailed error information instead of throwing an exception. These can be retrieved with method GetErrorMessages(). This is supported from DataMiner 10.3.0/10.2.7 onwards (RN 33306).


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the script is allowed to steal the element lock from another user.


Gets a value indicating whether the script had an error and the ExtendedErrorInfo was true. This is supported from DataMiner 10.3.0/10.2.7 onwards.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the script output of the subscript merges the full script output of the current running script.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the script is allowed to lock the elements it needs.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the script will verify the outcome of "set parameter" actions.


Gets or sets the name of the subscript.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the script will generate a 'Script started' information event. This is supported from DataMiner 10.3.0/10.2.8 onwards.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the script will be executed synchronously.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the script will delay execution instead of failing when another script is running on the same element or when the element is locked by another user.



Returns the error messages of the script after execution when the ExtendedErrorInfo option is set to true. This is supported from DataMiner 10.3.0/10.2.7 onwards.


Returns a copy of the script output of the current script and, if the InheritScriptOutput option is set to true, the child scripts. For more information, see below.

SelectDummy(int, IActionableElement)

Links a dummy from the main script to a dummy from a subscript.

SelectDummy(int, int, int)

Links a dummy from the main script to a dummy from a subscript.

SelectDummy(string, IActionableElement)

Links a dummy from the main script to a dummy from a subscript.

SelectDummy(string, int, int)

Selects a dummy from the main script to be used as a dummy in the subscript.

SelectMemory(int, ScriptMemory)

Selects a persistent script memory from the main script to be used as the persistent script memory with the specified ID in the subscript.

SelectMemory(int, string)

Selects the persistent memory file with the specified name to be used as the script memory with the specified ID in the subscript.

SelectMemory(string, ScriptMemory)

Selects a persistent script memory from the main script to be used as the persistent script memory in the subscript.

SelectMemory(string, string)

Selects the persistent memory file with the specified name to be used as the script memory with the specified ID in the subscript.

SelectScriptParam(int, ScriptParam)

Links a script parameter from the main script to a script parameter from a subscript.

SelectScriptParam(int, string)

Sets the script parameter of the subscript with the specified ID to the specified value.

SelectScriptParam(string, ScriptParam)

Links a script parameter from the main script to a script parameter from a subscript.

SelectScriptParam(string, string)

Sets the script parameter of the subscript with the specified name to the specified value.


Starts the subscript.