Namespace Skyline.DataMiner.Core.DataMinerSystem.Common
- AdvancedElementConfiguration
Represents an element configuration.
- AdvancedServiceConfiguration
Represents a service configuration.
- AgentNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when an action is performed on a DataMiner Agent that was not found.
- AlarmTemplateNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when a requested alarm template was not found.
- AutomationScriptCSharpConfiguration
Represents the CSharp code configuration.
- AutomationScriptConfiguration
Represents a script configuration.
- AutomationScriptDummyConfiguration
Represents a script dummy configuration.
- AutomationScriptParamConfiguration
Represents a script parameter configuration.
- ColumnFilter
Filter to be applied on the column when querying a table.
- ColumnReturnFilter
Filter to be applied on the column when querying a table. This filter will limit the returned columns.
- ConnectionInterfaceExtensions
Defines extension methods on the IConnection class.
- ConnectionSettings
Base class for all connection related objects.
- DmsAutomationScriptResult
Defines the result of a script.
- DmsAutomationScriptRunOptions
Defines the options to execute an Automation Script.
- DmsException
The exception that is thrown when an exception occurs in a DataMiner System.
- DmsFactory
Creates instances of the IDms interface.
- DmsViewEqualityComparer
Defines methods to support the comparison of DataMiner views for equality.
- DmsViewSet
Represents a set of IDmsView items.
- DveElementConfiguration
Represents an element configuration.
- ElementConfiguration
Represents an element configuration.
- ElementConnectionCollection
A collection of IElementConnection objects.
- ElementNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when performing actions on an element that was not found.
- ElementParamConfiguration
Represents a configuration class for elements that are included in services.
- ElementParamFilterConfiguration
Represents a class for the element parameters included in the service.
- ElementStoppedException
The exception that is thrown when an operation is performed on a stopped element.
- ElementUpdateFailedException
The exception that is thrown when an element failed to update.
- ExtensionsIDmsColumn
Defines extension methods for IDmsColumn<T>.
- ExtensionsIDmsStandaloneParameter
Defines extension methods for IDmsStandaloneParameter<T> .
- HttpConnection
Class representing an HTTP Connection.
- IncorrectDataException
The exception that is thrown when invalid data was provided.
- KeyNotFoundInTableException
The exception that is thrown when a key is not found in a table.
- ParamConfiguration
Represents an abstract configuration class for elements or services that are included in a service.
- ParameterNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when an action is performed on a DataMiner element parameter that was not found.
- PropertyConfiguration
Represents a property configuration.
- ProtocolNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when a requested protocol was not found.
- RealConnection
Class representing any non-virtual connection.
- RemotingCommunication
Represents a communication interface implementation using the Connection class.
- ScriptNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when performing actions on a script that was not found.
- SerialConnection
Class representing a Serial Connection.
- ServiceConfiguration
Represents a service configuration.
- ServiceElementState
The state of the element (only included parameters) that is part of the service.
- ServiceNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when performing actions on an service that was not found.
- ServiceOverflowException
The exception that is thrown when performing actions on an service that has too many elements or services included.
- ServiceParamConfiguration
Represents a configuration class for services that are included in services.
- ServiceParamFilterSettings
Represents a base class for all of the components in a DmsService object.
- ServiceParamSettings
Represents a base class for all of the components in a DmsService object.
- ServiceState
The state of the service retrieved from a SLNetMessage.
- SnmpV1Connection
Class representing an SNMPv1 connection.
- SnmpV2Connection
Class representing an SnmpV2 Connection.
- SnmpV3AuthenticationAlgorithmAdapter
Allows adapting the enum to other library equivalents.
- SnmpV3Connection
Class representing a SNMPv3 class.
- SnmpV3SecurityConfig
Represents the Security settings linked to SNMPv3.
- Tcp
Class representing a TCP connection.
- TemplateNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when a requested template was not found.
- TrendTemplateNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when a requested trend template was not found.
- TypeExtensions
Defines extension methods to change a type of an object value.
- Udp
Class representing an UDP connection.
- ViewConfiguration
Represents a view configuration.
- ViewNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when performing actions on a view that was not found.
- VirtualConnection
Class representing a Virtual connection.
- DmsAutomationScriptDummyValue
Represents a script dummy value.
- DmsAutomationScriptParamValue
Represents a script parameter value.
- DmsElementId
Represents a system-wide element ID.
- DmsServiceId
Represents a system-wide element ID.
- IAdvancedServiceSettings
DataMiner service advanced settings interface.
- IAdvancedSettings
DataMiner element advanced settings interface.
- IColumnFilter
Filter to be applied on the column when querying a table.
- ICommunication
Defines methods to send messages to a DataMiner System.
- IDma
DataMiner Agent interface.
- IDms
DataMiner System interface.
- IDmsAutomationScript
DataMiner Script Interface.
- IDmsAutomationScriptCSharp
The interface for the executables on scripts.
- IDmsAutomationScriptDummy
The interface for the dummies on scripts.
- IDmsAutomationScriptParameter
The interface for script parameters.
- IDmsColumn
DataMiner table column interface.
- IDmsColumn<T>
DataMiner table column interface of a specific type.
- IDmsConnectionInfo
DataMiner element connection information interface.
- IDmsElement
DataMiner element interface.
- IDmsObject
DataMiner object interface.
- IDmsProtocol
DataMiner protocol interface.
- IDmsScheduler
Represents the DataMiner Scheduler component.
- IDmsSchedulerTask
Represents a Scheduler Task.
- IDmsService
DataMiner service interface.
- IDmsSpectrumAnalyzer
Represents the spectrum analyzer component of an element.
- IDmsSpectrumAnalyzerMeasurementPoints
Represents spectrum analyzer measurement points.
- IDmsSpectrumAnalyzerMonitors
Represents the spectrum analyzer monitors.
- IDmsSpectrumAnalyzerPresets
Represents the spectrum analyzer presets.
- IDmsSpectrumAnalyzerScripts
Represents spectrum analyzer scripts.
- IDmsStandaloneParameter
DataMiner standalone parameter interface.
- IDmsStandaloneParameter<T>
DataMiner standalone parameter interface for a parameter of a specific type.
- IDmsTable
DataMiner table interface.
- IDmsView
DataMiner view interface.
- IDveSettings
DataMiner element DVE settings interface.
- IElementConnection
Represents a connection of a DataMiner element.
- IElementConnectionCollection
A collection of IElementConnection objects Can be casted to an Interface element.Connections.OfType<ISnmpConnection>(). The interfaces that are common: ISnmpConnection, IHttpConnection and ISerialConnection
- IHttpConnection
Represents an HTTP Connection
- IIpBased
Represents a connection using the Internet Protocol (IP).
- IPortConnection
interface IPortConnection for which all Connections will inherit from.
- IPropertyCollection<TProperty, TPropertyDefinition>
Property collection interface.
- IPropertyConfigurationCollection
Property configuration collection interface.
- IPropertyDefinitionCollection<T>
Property definition collection interface.
- IRealConnection
Defines a non-virtual interface.
- IRedundancySettings
DataMiner element redundancy settings interface.
- IReplicationServiceSettings
DataMiner service replication settings interface.
- IReplicationSettings
DataMiner element replication settings interface.
- ISerialConnection
Represents a serial connection.
- IServiceElementState
The interface for a state of an element included in a service.
- IServiceParamConfiguration
DataMiner service configuration interface for included elements or services.
- IServiceParamsSettings
DataMiner service advanced settings interface.
- IServiceState
The service state interface.
- ISnmpConnection
Defines an SNMP connection.
- ISnmpV1Connection
Defines an SNMPv1 Connection
- ISnmpV2Connection
Defines an SNMPv2 Connection.
- ISnmpV3Connection
Defines an SNMPv3 Connection.
- ISnmpV3SecurityConfig
Interface for SnmpV3 Security configurations.
- ITcp
Represents a TCP/IP connection.
- IUdp
Represents a UDP/IP connection.
- IUpdateable
Updateable interface.
- IVirtualConnection
Defines a Virtual Connection
- AgentState
Specifies the state of the Agent.
- AlarmLevel
The alarm level of an element, parameter or alarm.
- ComparisonOperator
Specifies the state of the element.
- ConfigurationElementState
Specifies the state of the element.
- ConnectionSettings.ConnectionSetting
Enum used to track changes on properties of classes implementing this abstract class.
- ConnectionType
Specifies the connection type.
- DmsSchedulerRepetitionType
Defines the type of scheduler.
- ElementState
Specifies the state of the element.
- FilterType
Specifies the type of the filtering.
- KeyType
Specifies the type of key.
- PropertyType
Specifies the property type.
- ProtocolType
Specifies the protocol type.
- SnmpV3AuthenticationAlgorithm
Specifies the SNMPv3 authentication protocol.
- SnmpV3EncryptionAlgorithm
Specifies the SNMPv3 encryption algorithm.
- SnmpV3SecurityLevelAndProtocol
Specifies the SNMP v3 security level and protocol.