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Property SecurityViewID



Gets or sets the security view ID. Available from DataMiner 10.0.5 (RN 24800) onwards.

[Obsolete("Please use SecurityViewIDs")]
public int? SecurityViewID { get; set; }

Property Value


The security view ID.


This property is considered obsolete from DataMiner 10.1.1 (RN 28311) onwards. Use the SecurityViewIDs property instead.

If, for a particular job or booking instance (i.e. ReservationInstance), this property contains a view ID, then the job or booking instance will only be accessible to users who have access to the specified view.

  • Users who display a list of jobs or booking instances will only see the jobs or booking instances associated with a view to which they have read access.
  • Users who try to create, update or delete a job or a booking instance will only be able to do so if they have write access to the view associated with that job or booking instance.
  • Users who try to create, update or delete a job or a booking instance will only be able to do so if they have write access to the view associated with that job or booking instance.
  • When scheduling checks are performed, the booking instances to which a user does not have access will still be taken into account.

Every booking instance (i.e. ReservationInstance) within the same tree must have the same SecurityViewID.

If a view specified in the SecurityViewID property of a job or booking instance is deleted, only Administrators or users with access to all views will have access to that job or booking instance.