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Enum JobError.Reason

public enum JobError.Reason


JobDoesNotContainAllRequiredFieldsForSectionDefinition = 3

The given Job had a Section which did not contain a FieldValue.

JobRequiresOneDefaultJobSection = 2

The given Job did not contain exactly one Section for the DefaultJobSectionDefinition.

JobRequiresValidJobDomain = 5

The Job has no valid and/or existing JobDomainID configured.

JobSectionInvalidFieldValueTypes = 1

Attempted to create or updated a Job with a FieldValue that does not match the type of its FieldDescriptor.

NotAllowed = 4

You are not allowed to do the create, update or delete operation because of the SecurityViewIDs configured on the job.

SectionUsedInJobLinksToNonExistingSectionDefinition = 7

The Job contains a Section that does not refer to an existing SectionDefinition.

SectionsUsedInJobDoesNotMatchRequirementsOfJobDomain = 6

The Job does not contain at least one Section for each SectionDefinition defined on the JobDomain or contains Sections for SectionDefinitions that are not defined on that domain.