Table of Contents

Field Options


Options to be passed along to the script. These options include info about which elements are linked to which dummies.

public SA Options


Options to be passed along to the script. These options include info about which elements are linked to which dummies.


  • CHECKSETS: To set the option "After executing a SET command, check if the read parameter has been set to the new value", provide an entry with the value "CHECKSETS:TRUE". Otherwise, provide an entry "CHECKSETS:FALSE".
  • "OPTIONS:int": A number of options can be set by providing an entry "OPTIONS:X, where X is a number that is a bitwise combination of the flags defined below.
    Lock0x1Lock elements
    Force lock0x2Force lock elements. Note: when this is set, "Lock elements" must also be set.
    NoWait0x4Disable wait when locked or busy.
    SchedulerMarkElementsInUseVisio0x8Mark dummy elements 'In Use' once task is active and scheduled (RN 5687).
    AllowUndef0x10Allows GetParameter to return NULL when parameter value is undefined.
    SkipInfoEventsSet0x20Information events should NOT be generated for SETs executed from script.
    Debug0x40Comment type statements will be logged to information messages.
    For example, to run a script with the "Disable wait when locked or busy" and "Mark dummy elements 'In Use' once task is active and scheduled", add an entry "OPTIONS:12".
  • "PROTOCOL:protid:dmaid:eid": Defines a protocol mapping. To specify a dummy, provide an entry "PROTOCOL:X:Y:Z", where X is the 1-based dummy number, Y is the Agent ID of the element and Z is the element ID of the element (e.g. "PROTOCOL:1:132:512460"). If the dummy can be empty, you can also specify "*" as values for Y and Z.
  • "PROTOCOLBYNAME:protName:dmaid:eid": Defines a protocol mapping by name. To specify a dummy, provide an entry "PROTOCOLBYNAME:X:Y:Z", where X is the name of the dummy, Y is the Agent ID of the element and Z is the element ID of the element (e.g. "PROTOCOLBYNAME:myDummy:132:512460"). If the dummy can be empty, you can also specify "*" as values for Y and Z.
  • "PARAMETER:id:value": To specify the value of a script parameter, provide an entry "PARAMETER:X:Y", where X is the 1-based parameter number and Y is the parameter value (e.g. "PARAMETER:1:MyValue").
  • "PARAMETERBYNAME:paramName:value": To specify the value of a script parameter by name, provide an entry "PARAMETERBYNAME:X:Y", where X is the script parameter name and Y is the parameter value (e.g. "PARAMETERBYNAME:myParam:MyValue").
  • "MEMORY:id:filename": To specify a memory file, provide an entry "MEMORY:X:Y", where X is the 1-based memory and Y is the memory file name (e.g. "MEMORY:1:memory 2")
  • "MEMORYBYNAME:id:filename": To specify a memory file by name, provide an entry "MEMORYBYNAME:X:Y", where X is the memory description and Y is the memory file name (e.g. "MEMORYBYNAME:myMemory:memory 2")
  • "INTERACTIVE" To allow interactive execution, provide the following entries: "INTERACTIVE". When the "INTERACTIVE" option is provided, the DEFER option should be set to TRUE.
  • "DEFER:bool": To activate the option "Wait for the script to finish before continuing", provide the following entry: "DEFER:FALSE".
  • "EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO": To return the error info and HRESULT in the response, specify "EXTENDED_ERROR_INFO".
  • "USER:cookie": User executing the script.
  • "SKIP_STARTED_INFO_EVENT:bool": Disables the 'Script started' information event generation. This is supported from DataMiner 10.3.0/10.2.8 onwards.