Namespace Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Profiles
- CapabilityParameterValue
Represents a capability parameter value.
- CapabilityUsageParameterValue
Represents a capability usage parameter value.
- CapacityParameterValue
Represents a capacity parameter value.
- CapacityUsageParameterValue
Represents a capacity.
- DocumentBase
Represents a document-like object that has a name and some metadata.
- LinkableObject
Represents an object that has an ID. This class serves as a base class for other classes to inherit from.
- LinkableObjectCompareOnID
Comparer for LinkableObject instances which performs the comparison based on the ID.
- ParameterSettings
Represents parameter settings.
- ParameterValue
Represents a Profile Manager parameter value.
- ProfileDefinition
Represents a Profile Manager profile definition.
- ProfileDefinitionCrudHelperComponent
Profile definition CRUD helper component.
- ProfileHelper
Profile helper.
- ProfileInstance
Represents a Profile Helper profile instance.
- ProfileInstanceCrudHelperComponent
Profile instance CRUD helper component.
- ProfileManagerHelper
Represents a helper for interacting with Profile Manager.
- ProfileParameterCrudHelperComponent
Profile parameter CRUD helper component.
- ProfileParameterEntry
Represents a profile parameter entry in a profile instance.
- ProtocolParameterReference
Represents a reference to a protocol parameter.
- ScriptEntry
Represents a script entry.
- ICapabilityProfileParameter
Capability profile parameter interface.
- ICapacityProfileParameter
Capacity profile parameter interface.
- IConfigurationProfileParameter
Configuration profile parameter interface.
- IMonitoringProfileParameter
Monitoring profile parameter interface.
- IProfileParameterValue
Profile parameter value interface.
- ParameterValue.ValueType
Specifies the type of the parameter value.