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Constructor SectionDefinitionError


SectionDefinitionError(Reason, SectionDefinitionID)

Initializes a new instance of the SectionDefinitionError class with the specified error reason and section definition ID.

public SectionDefinitionError(SectionDefinitionError.Reason errorReason, SectionDefinitionID id)


errorReason SectionDefinitionError.Reason

The error reason.

id SectionDefinitionID

The section definition ID.

SectionDefinitionError(Reason, Type, List<Type>)

Initializes a new instance of the SectionDefinitionError class with the specified error reason, the unsupported type and the supported types.

public SectionDefinitionError(SectionDefinitionError.Reason errorReason, Type notSupportedType, List<Type> supportedTypes)


errorReason SectionDefinitionError.Reason

The error reason.

notSupportedType Type

The unsupported type.

supportedTypes List<Type>

The supported types.

SectionDefinitionError(Reason, SectionDefinition, List<JobID>)

Initializes a new instance of the SectionDefinitionError class using the specified error reason, section definition and jobs.

public SectionDefinitionError(SectionDefinitionError.Reason errorReason, SectionDefinition sectionDefinition, List<JobID> jobs)


errorReason SectionDefinitionError.Reason

The error reason.

sectionDefinition SectionDefinition

The section definition.

jobs List<JobID>

The jobs.


Initializes a new instance of the SectionDefinitionError class.

public SectionDefinitionError()


Initializes a new instance of the SectionDefinitionError class using the specified error reason.

public SectionDefinitionError(SectionDefinitionError.Reason errorReason)


errorReason SectionDefinitionError.Reason

The error reason.

SectionDefinitionError(Reason, SectionDefinition, SectionDefinition, List<JobID>)

Initializes a new instance of the SectionDefinitionError class with the specified error reason, the original section definition, the section definition and jobs.

public SectionDefinitionError(SectionDefinitionError.Reason errorReason, SectionDefinition originalSectionDefinition, SectionDefinition sectionDefinition, List<JobID> jobs)


errorReason SectionDefinitionError.Reason

The error reason.

originalSectionDefinition SectionDefinition

The original section definition.

sectionDefinition SectionDefinition

The section definition.

jobs List<JobID>

The jobs.

SectionDefinitionError(Reason, SectionDefinition, List<JobDomainID>)

Initializes a new instance of the SectionDefinitionError class with the specified error reason, section definition and job domain IDs.

public SectionDefinitionError(SectionDefinitionError.Reason errorReason, SectionDefinition sectionDefinition, List<JobDomainID> jobDomainIDs)


errorReason SectionDefinitionError.Reason

The error reason.

sectionDefinition SectionDefinition

The section definition.

jobDomainIDs List<JobDomainID>

The job domain IDs.

SectionDefinitionError(Reason, IGenericEnumEntry, List<JobID>)

Initializes a new instance of the SectionDefinitionError class with the specified error reason, generic enum entry and job IDs.

public SectionDefinitionError(SectionDefinitionError.Reason errorReason, IGenericEnumEntry genericEnumEntry, List<JobID> jobIds)


errorReason SectionDefinitionError.Reason

The error reason.

genericEnumEntry IGenericEnumEntry

The generic enum entry.

jobIds List<JobID>

The job IDs.