Class SwarmingPrerequisitesCheckResponse
Response for SwarmingPrerequisitesCheckRequest
public class SwarmingPrerequisitesCheckResponse : ResponseMessage
- Inheritance
- Extension Methods
- CentralDatabaseNotConfigured
only if no offload database has been configured.
- LegacyReportsAndDashboardsDisabled
only if legacy dashboards are truly disabled.
- NoIncompatibleEnhancedServicesOnDMS
if enhanced services on the system are compatible with Swarming.
- NoObsoleteAlarmIdUsageInProtocolQActions
Whether incompatible AlarmID usage was detected in protocol QActions. Also returns true in case this check was requested to be skipped in the message.
- NoObsoleteAlarmIdUsageInScripts
Whether incompatible AlarmID usage was detected in scripts. Also returns true in case this check was requested to be skipped in the message.
- SatisfiesPrerequisites
Combined value for the individual results.
- Summary
A textual summary of the issues that were found (if any).
- SupportedDMS
only if the cluster config is ready for Swarming to be enabled. An example of an incompatible configuration is a Failover setup.
- SupportedDatabase
only if the DataMiner System uses a clustered database.