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Method UpdateConnection


UpdateConnection(int, string, int, string, int, int, int, bool)

Updates the specified connection.

public bool UpdateConnection(int ConnectionId, string newSourceName, int newSourceInterfaceId, string newDestinationName, int newDestinationDMAId, int newDestinationElementId, int newDestinationInterfaceId, bool updateBothConnections)


ConnectionId int

The ID of the connection.

newSourceName string

The new name to apply to this connection on the source.

newSourceInterfaceId int

The new ID of the source interface.

newDestinationName string

The new name to apply to this connection on the destination.

newDestinationDMAId int

The DataMiner Agent ID of the new destination element.

newDestinationElementId int

The element ID of the new destination element.

newDestinationInterfaceId int

The ID of the new destination interface.

updateBothConnections bool

true if the connection entry should be updated at both ends of the connection; otherwise, false.



true if the update succeeded; otherwise, false.

UpdateConnection(int, string, int, string, int, int, int, string, bool)

Updates the specified connection.

public bool UpdateConnection(int ConnectionId, string newSourceName, int newSourceInterfaceId, string newDestinationName, int newDestinationDMAId, int newDestinationElementId, int newDestinationInterfaceId, string newFilter, bool updateBothConnections)


ConnectionId int

The ID of the connection.

newSourceName string

The new name to apply to this connection on the source.

newSourceInterfaceId int

The new ID of the source interface.

newDestinationName string

The new name to apply to this connection on the destination.

newDestinationDMAId int

The DataMiner Agent ID of the new destination element.

newDestinationElementId int

The element ID of the new destination element.

newDestinationInterfaceId int

The ID of the new destination interface.

newFilter string

The new connection filter.

updateBothConnections bool

true if the connection entry should be updated at both ends of the connection; otherwise, false.



true if the update succeeded; otherwise, false.

UpdateConnection(int, string, int, string, int, int, int, string, bool, out int)

Updates the specified connection.

public bool UpdateConnection(int ConnectionId, string newSourceName, int newSourceInterfaceId, string newDestinationName, int newDestinationDMAId, int newDestinationElementId, int newDestinationInterfaceId, string newFilter, bool updateBothConnections, out int destPK)


ConnectionId int

The ID of the connection.

newSourceName string

The new name to apply to this connection on the source.

newSourceInterfaceId int

The new ID of the source interface.

newDestinationName string

The new name to apply to this connection on the destination.

newDestinationDMAId int

The DataMiner Agent ID of the new destination element.

newDestinationElementId int

The element ID of the new destination element.

newDestinationInterfaceId int

The ID of the new destination interface.

newFilter string

The new connection filter.

updateBothConnections bool

true if the connection entry should be updated at both ends of the connection; otherwise, false.

destPK int

The ID (primary key) of the destination interface.



true if the update succeeded; otherwise, false.


Feature introduced in DataMiner 8.5.3 (RN 9297).

UpdateConnection(int, string, int, string, int, int, int, string, bool, out ConnectivityConnection, int)

Updates the specified connection.

public bool UpdateConnection(int ConnectionId, string newSourceName, int newSourceInterfaceId, string newDestinationName, int newDestinationDMAId, int newDestinationElementId, int newDestinationInterfaceId, string newFilter, bool updateBothConnections, out ConnectivityConnection destConn, int timeoutMs)


ConnectionId int

The ID of the connection.

newSourceName string

The new name to apply to this connection on the source.

newSourceInterfaceId int

The new ID of the source interface.

newDestinationName string

The new name to apply to this connection on the destination.

newDestinationDMAId int

The DataMiner Agent ID of the new destination element.

newDestinationElementId int

The element ID of the new destination element.

newDestinationInterfaceId int

The ID of the new destination interface.

newFilter string

The new connection filter.

updateBothConnections bool

true if the connection entry should be updated at both ends of the connection; otherwise, false.

destConn ConnectivityConnection

The destination connection.

timeoutMs int

The update timeout.



true if the update succeeded; otherwise, false.


In case the connection was not updated within the specified timeout, false will be returned. However, the message will still be handled by DataMiner.

Feature introduced in DataMiner 8.5.3 (RN 9297).