Table of Contents

Interface SLProtocol


SLProtocol interface allowing communication with the SLProtocol process.

public interface SLProtocol
Extension Methods



SLProtocol is an interface from DMA 10.0.1 onwards (RN 23787). In earlier DataMiner versions, it is a concrete class.

All methods are blocking, except for the NotifyDataMinerQueued(int, object, object) method.

Many methods defined in this class also act as a wrapper for a specific NotifyProtocol(int, object, object), NotifyDataMiner(int, object, object) or NotifyDataMinerQueued(int, object, object) method call. Using these methods is generally preferred over using the specific notify calls as this improves readability and type safety.

From DataMiner 10.2.9 onwards (RN 33965), the SLProtocol(Ext) object in QActions will retain all of its data members outside of the Run scope. This means that, while Notifies were already available out of scope earlier, members such as the QActionID will now also remain available when a QAction run ends. In addition, the SLNet connection can now be set up at any time.



Gets the value that indicates the cell in the row should be cleared.


Gets the DCF connections known by the element that executes this QAction.


Gets the DCF interfaces known by the element that executes this QAction.


Gets the Agent ID of the element executing the QAction.


Gets the ID of the element that triggered this QAction execution.


Gets the name of the element that triggered this QAction execution.


Gets the protocol version of the element.


Gets the element state.


Gets the value indicating the cell in the row should be preserved.


Gets or sets the QAction metrics key.


Gets or sets the protocol name.


Gets or sets the protocol version.


Gets the ID of the QAction.


Gets the SLNet object used for communicating with the SLNet process.


Gets the user cookie.


Gets the username of the user who triggered the QAction.


AddRow(int, object[])

Adds a row to the table.

AddRow(int, object[], bool[])

Adds the specified row to the specified table.

AddRow(int, string)

Adds a row to the specified table with the specified primary key.


Adds a row to the specified table and returns the primary key.


Triggers the trigger with the specified ID.


Removes all rows from the specified table.

DeleteConnectivityConnection(int, int, int, bool)

Deletes the specified DCF connection.

DeleteConnectivityConnectionProperty(int, int, int)

Deletes the specified DCF connection property.

DeleteConnectivityConnectionProperty(int, int, int, bool)

Deletes the specified DCF connection property.

DeleteConnectivityConnectionProperty(int, int, int, int)

Deletes the specified DCF connection property.

DeleteConnectivityConnectionProperty(int, int, int, int, bool)

Deletes the specified DCF connection property.

DeleteConnectivityInterfaceProperty(int, int, int)

Deletes the specified DCF interface property.

DeleteConnectivityInterfaceProperty(int, int, int, int)

Deletes the specified DCF interface property.

DeleteRow(int, int)

Removes the specified row(s) from the specified table.

DeleteRow(int, string)

Removes the specified row(s) from the specified table.

DeleteRow(int, string[])

Removes the specified rows from the specified table.


Executes the specified Automation script.


Executes the Automation script with the specified name.

Exists(int, string)

Determines whether a row with the specified primary key exists in the specified table.

FillArray(int, List<object[]>)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, List<object[]>, SaveOption)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, List<object[]>, SaveOption, bool)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, List<object[]>, SaveOption, DateTime?)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, List<object[]>, SaveOption, DateTime?, bool)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, List<object[]>, bool)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, List<object[]>, DateTime?)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, List<object[]>, DateTime?, bool)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, object[])

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, object[], bool)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, object[], DateTime?)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArray(int, object[], DateTime?, bool)

Sets the content of the table to the provided content.

FillArrayNoDelete(int, List<object[]>)

Adds the provided rows to the specified table.

FillArrayNoDelete(int, List<object[]>, bool)

Adds the provided rows to the specified table.

FillArrayNoDelete(int, List<object[]>, DateTime?)

Adds the provided rows to the specified table.

FillArrayNoDelete(int, List<object[]>, DateTime?, bool)

Adds the provided rows to the specified table.

FillArrayNoDelete(int, object[])

Adds the provided rows to the specified table.

FillArrayNoDelete(int, object[], bool)

Adds the provided rows to the specified table.

FillArrayNoDelete(int, object[], DateTime?)

Adds the provided rows to the specified table.

FillArrayNoDelete(int, object[], DateTime?, bool)

Adds the provided rows to the specified table.

FillArrayWithColumn(int, int, object[], object[])

Sets the specified cells of a column with the provided values.

FillArrayWithColumn(int, int, object[], object[], bool)

Sets the specified cells of a column with the provided values.

FillArrayWithColumn(int, int, object[], object[], DateTime?)

Sets the specified cells of a column with the provided values.

FillArrayWithColumn(int, int, object[], object[], DateTime?, bool)

Sets the specified cells of a column with the provided values.

GetConnectivityConnection(int, int, int)

Retrieves the specified DCF connection.

GetConnectivityConnection(int, int, int, bool)

Retrieves the specified DCF connection.

GetConnectivityConnection(int, int, string)

Retrieves the specified DCF connection.

GetConnectivityConnection(int, int, string, bool)

Retrieves the specified DCF connection.

GetConnectivityConnections(int, int)

Retrieves the DCF connections that are known by the specified element.

GetConnectivityConnections(int, int, bool)

Retrieves the DCF connections that are known by the specified element.

GetConnectivityConnections(int, int, string)

Retrieves the DCF connections that are known by the specified element and that match the specified name filter.

GetConnectivityConnections(int, int, string, bool)

Retrieves the DCF connections that are known by the specified element and that match the specified name filter.

GetConnectivityInterface(int, int, int)

Retrieves the specified DCF interface.

GetConnectivityInterface(int, int, int, bool)

Retrieves the specified DCF interface.

GetConnectivityInterface(int, int, string, bool)

Retrieves the specified DCF interface.

GetConnectivityInterface(int, int, string, bool, bool)

Retrieves the specified DCF interface.

GetConnectivityInterfaces(int, int)

Retrieves the DCF interfaces of the specified element.

GetConnectivityInterfaces(int, int, bool)

Retrieves the DCF interfaces of the specified element.

GetConnectivityInterfaces(int, int, string, bool)

Retrieves the DCF interfaces of the specified element that match the specified name filter.

GetConnectivityInterfaces(int, int, string, bool, bool)

Retrieves the DCF interfaces of the specified element that match the specified name filter.

GetData(string, int)

Retrieves the raw data of the specified item.


Retrieves the specified input parameter.

GetKeyPosition(int, string)

Retrieves the 1-based position of the row with the specified primary key in the table with the specified ID.


Gets the primary keys of the specified table.

GetKeys(int, KeyType)

Gets the primary keys or display keys of the specified table.

GetKeysForIndex(int, string)

Gets the primary keys of all rows that have the specified value for the specified column.


Retrieves the type of the local database.


Retrieves the value of the parameter with the specified ID.


Retrieves the parameter value corresponding with the parameter that has the specified data is stored in the ElementData.xml file.


Retrieves the value of the parameter with the specified name.


Retrieves the description of the specified parameter.

GetParameterIndex(int, int, int)

Retrieves the value of a cell in the table specified by the 1-based row and column position.
Note that this method should not be used. Using GetParameterIndexByKey(int, string, int) instead is highly recommended.

GetParameterIndexByKey(int, string, int)

Retrieves the value of a cell in the table specified by the primary key and 1-based column position.


Gets the value stored for the specified parameter in the ElementData.xml file.


Gets the values of multiple standalone parameters.

GetRow(int, int)

Gets the row data of the specified row in the specified table.
Note that this method should not be used. Using GetRow(int, string) instead is highly recommended.

GetRow(int, string)

Gets the row data of the specified row in the specified table.


Gets the ID of the parameter that triggered the execution of QAction.


Retrieves the user connection. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.


Determines whether the parameter with the specified ID has been initialized.

Log(int, int, string)

Logs a message to the element log file.
Note that this method should not be used. Using Log(string, LogType, LogLevel) instead is recommended.


Logs a message to the element log file.

Log(string, LogLevel)

Logs a message to the element log file.

Log(string, LogType)

Logs a message to the element log file.

Log(string, LogType, LogLevel)

Logs a message to the element log file.


Retrieves information about the updated cells in a row.

NotifyClient(int, object, object)
NotifyDataMiner(int, object, object)

Sends a message to the SLDataMiner process via the SLProtocol process.

NotifyDataMinerQueued(int, object, object)

Sends a queued message to the SLDataMiner process via the SLProtocol process.

NotifyProtocol(int, object, object)

Sends a message to the SLProtocol process.


Gets information about the previous cell values before the row was updated.

Row(object, int)

Gets a row from the specified table.


Gets the number of rows present in the specified table.


Gets the number of rows present in the specified table.


Gets the 1-based row position of the row that triggered the execution of the QAction.
Note that this method should not be used. Using RowKey() instead is highly recommended.


Gets the primary key of the row that triggered the execution of the QAction.


Gets the timestamp of the ping execution.


Gets the round-trip time (RTT).


Makes the SLElement process update the specified parameter.

SendToDisplay(int, int, int)

Makes the SLElement process update the specified parameter.

SendToDisplay(int, int[], int[])

Makes the SLElement process update the specified parameter.

SetParameter(int, object)

Sets the parameter with the specified ID to the specified value.

SetParameter(int, object, ValueType)

Sets the parameter with the specified ID to the specified value.

SetParameterBinary(int, byte[])

Sets the value of the specified parameter to the specified byte array.

SetParameterByData(string, object)

Sets the parameter that has the specified data in the ElementData.xml file to the specified value.

SetParameterByName(string, object)

Sets the parameter with the specified name to the specified value.

SetParameterDescription(int, object)

Sets the description of the specified parameter.

SetParameterIndex(int, int, int, object)

Sets the value of a cell in a table, identified by its 1-based row and column position, with the specified value.
Note that this method should not be used. Using SetParameterIndexByKey(int, string, int, object) instead is highly recommended.

SetParameterIndex(int, int, int, object, ValueType)

Sets the value of a cell in a table, identified by its 1-based row and column position, with the specified value.
Note that this method should not be used. Using SetParameterIndexByKey(int, string, int, object, ValueType) instead is highly recommended.

SetParameterIndexByKey(int, string, int, object)

Sets the value of a cell in a table, identified by the primary key of the row and column position, with the specified value.

SetParameterIndexByKey(int, string, int, object, ValueType)

Sets the value of a cell in a table, identified by the primary key of the row and column position, with the specified value.

SetParameterItemData(string, object)

Sets the value stored for the specified parameter in the ElementData.xml file.

SetParameters(int[], object[])

Sets the parameters with the specified IDs to the specified values.

SetParameters(int[], object[], DateTime[])

Sets the parameters with the specified IDs to the specified values.

SetParametersByData(string[], object[])

Sets the parameters that have the specified data values in the ElementData.xml file to the specified values.

SetParametersByName(string[], object[])

Sets the parameters with the specified names to the specified values.

SetParametersIndex(int[], int[], int[], object[])

Sets the value of cells in tables, identified by their 1-based row and column position, with the specified values.
Note that this method should not be used. Using SetParametersIndexByKey(int[], string[], int[], object[]) instead is highly recommended.

SetParametersIndex(int[], int[], int[], object[], DateTime[])

Sets the value of cells in tables, identified by their 1-based row and column position, with the specified values.
Note that this method should not be used. Using SetParametersIndexByKey(int[], string[], int[], object[], DateTime[]) instead is highly recommended.

SetParametersIndexByKey(int[], string[], int[], object[])

Sets the value of cells in tables, identified by their primary key and 1-based column position, with the specified values.

SetParametersIndexByKey(int[], string[], int[], object[], DateTime[])

Sets the value of cells in tables, identified by their primary key and 1-based column position, with the specified values.

SetParametersItemData(string[], object[])

Sets the values stored for the specified parameters in the ElementData.xml file.

SetReadParameterByName(string, object)

Sets the read parameter with the specified name to the specified value.

SetReadParametersByName(string[], object[])

Sets the read parameters with the specified name to the specified values.

SetRow(int, int, object)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.
Note that this method should not be used. Using SetRow(int, string, object) instead is highly recommended.

SetRow(int, int, object, bool)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.
Note that this method should not be used. Using SetRow(int, string, object, bool) instead is highly recommended.

SetRow(int, int, object, ValueType)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.
Note that this method should not be used. Using SetRow(int, string, object, ValueType) instead is highly recommended.

SetRow(int, int, object, ValueType, bool)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.
Note that this method should not be used. Using SetRow(int, string, object, ValueType, bool) instead is highly recommended.

SetRow(int, string, object)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.

SetRow(int, string, object, bool)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.

SetRow(int, string, object, ValueType)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.

SetRow(int, string, object, ValueType, bool)

Sets the data of the specified row to the specified values.

SetWriteParameterByName(string, object)

Sets the write parameter with the specified name to the specified value.

SetWriteParametersByName(string[], object[])

Sets the write parameters with the specified names to the specified values.


Shows a message to the user in a pop-up window.

ShowInformationMessage(string, string)

Shows a message to the user in a pop-up window.