Namespace Skyline.DataMiner.Utils.InteractiveAutomationScript
- Button
A button that can be pressed.
- Calendar
Widget to show/edit a datetime.
- Calendar.CalendarChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- Calendar.CalendarFocusLostEventArgs
Provides data for the FocusLost event.
- CheckBox
A checkbox that can be selected or cleared.
- CheckBox.CheckBoxChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- CheckBox.CheckBoxFocusLostEventArgs
Provides data for the FocusLost event.
- CheckBoxList
A list of checkboxes.
- CheckBoxList.CheckBoxListChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- CheckBoxListBase
Defines the base functionality for a checkboxlist widget, including properties for state management.
- CheckBoxList<T>
A list of checkboxes.
- CheckBoxList<T>.CheckBoxListChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- CollapseButton
A button that can be used to show/hide a collection of widgets.
- DatePicker
Custom control used to display a date. Make sure that AllowOverlappingWidgets is set to true when you use this control.
- DatePicker.DatePickerChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- DateTimePicker
Widget to show/edit a datetime.
- DateTimePicker.DateTimePickerChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- DateTimePicker.DateTimePickerFocusLostEventArgs
Provides data for the FocusLost event.
- Dialog
A dialog represents a single window that can be shown. You can show widgets in the window by adding them to the dialog. The dialog uses a grid to determine the layout of its widgets.
- DropDown
A drop-down list.
- DropDown.DropDownChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- DropDown<T>
A drop-down list.
- DropDown<T>.DropDownChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- EnumDropDown<T>
A dropdown that allows users to select a value defined by an enum.
- EnumRadioButtonList<T>
A radio button list that allows users to select a value defined by an enum.
- ExceptionDialog
Dialog used to display an exception.
- FileSelector
Widget that can be used to upload files to the DMA.
- Hyperlink
Represents a button that when clicked forwards the user to a web site.
- InteractiveController
Event loop of the interactive Automation script.
- InteractiveWidget
A widget that requires user input.
- Label
A label is used to display text. Text can have different styles.
- Margin
Defines the whitespace that is displayed around a widget.
- MessageDialog
Dialog used to display a message.
- Numeric
A spinner or numeric up-down control. Has a slider when the range is limited.
- Numeric.NumericChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- Numeric.NumericFocusLostEventArgs
Provides data for the FocusLost event.
- OverlappingWidgetsException
This exception is used to indicate that two widgets have overlapping positions on the same dialog.
- Parameter
Displays the value of a protocol parameter.
- PasswordBox
A text box for passwords.
- ProgressDialog
When progress is displayed, this dialog has to be shown without requiring user interaction. When you are done displaying progress, call the Finish method and show the dialog with user interaction required.
- RadioButtonList
A group of radio buttons.
- RadioButtonList.RadioButtonChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- RadioButtonList<T>
A group of radio buttons.
- RadioButtonList<T>.RadioButtonChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- Section
A section is a special component that can be used to group widgets together.
- SectionLayout
Used to define the position of a section in another section or dialog.
- TextBox
Widget that is used to edit and display text.
- TextBox.TextBoxChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- TextBox.TextBoxFocusLostEventArgs
Provides data for the FocusLost event.
- Time
Widget to show/edit a time duration.
- Time.TimeChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- Time.TimeFocusLostEventArgs
Provides data for the FocusLost event.
- TimePicker
Widget to show/edit a time of day.
- TimePicker.TimePickerChangedEventArgs
Provides data for the Changed event.
- TimePicker.TimePickerFocusLostEventArgs
Provides data for the FocusLost event.
- TimePickerBase
Base class for time-based widgets that rely on the AutomationDateTimeUpDownOptions.
- TreeView
A tree view structure.
- TreeViewDuplicateItemsException
This exception is used to indicate that a tree view contains multiple items with the same key.
- WhiteSpace
A whitespace.
- Widget
Base class for widgets.
- WidgetLayout
Used to define the position of a widget in a grid layout.
- WrappedUIResults
A class wrapping UIResults in order to expose an interface to allow better unit testing.
- ICheckBoxList
Defines a checkbox list widget with basic operations for managing selected and unselected options.
- ICheckBoxListBase
Defines the base functionality for a checkboxlist widget, including properties for state management.
- ICheckBoxList<T>
Defines a generic checkbox list widget with support for typed options and advanced management of selected and unselected options.
- IDropDown
Defines a dropdown widget with a single selected option.
- IDropDown<T>
Defines a generic dropdown widget with a single selected option of a specified type.
- ILayout
Used to define the position of an item in a grid layout.
- IOptionWidget
Defines the base functionality for a widget that manages a list of options represented as strings.
- IOptionWidget<T>
Defines a generic widget that manages a list of typed options.
- IRadioButtonList
Represents a radio button list where every option is a string.
- IRadioButtonListBase
Defines the base functionality for a radio button list widget, including properties for state and appearance management.
- IRadioButtonList<T>
Represents a radio button list where every option is an generic instance.
- IValidationWidget
Defines a widget supporting visual validation.
- IWidgetLayout
Used to define the position of a widget in a grid layout.
- ButtonStyle
Styling options for Button widgets.
- HorizontalAlignment
Specifies the horizontal alignment of a widget added to a dialog or section.
- TextStyle
Style of the displayed text.
- VerticalAlignment
Specifies the vertical alignment of a widget added to a dialog or section.