Local variables
Local variables must have a meaningful name and camelCasing must be applied.
Hungarian notation
Names of local variables may start with a prefix denoting their type (so-called Hungarian notation), but this is not required.
Hungarian notation allows related variables to have the same name, except for the type prefix. For example, suppose there is a string variable "sStartTime", representing a time. The corresponding variable of type DateTime can then be named "dtStartTime" or "startTime". Without the prefix, it is more difficult to have a unique name for both variables.
In general, using Hungarian notation for all variable names is not encouraged. However, when you do use Hungarian notation, you must use the following prefixes:
Built-in Types
C# type .NET Framework Type Prefix Example bool System.Boolean b bIsBusy byte System.Byte by byCommand sbyte System.SByte sby sbyCommand char System.Char c cProtocolType decimal System.Decimal dec decSignalStrength double System.Double d dSignalStrength float System.Single f fSignalStrength int System.Int32 i iRowCount uint System.UInt32 ui uiRowCount long System.Int64 l lErrorCount ulong System.UInt64 ul ulErrorCount object System.Object o oResponse short System.Int16 sh shStatusCode ushort System.UInt16 ush ushStatusCode string System.String s sResponse Other
Class Prefix Example System.DateTime dt dtNow System.TimeSpan ts tsHour System.Text.StringBuilder sb sbResponse System.Xml.Linq.XDocument
System.Xml.Linq.XAttributex xDocument Arrays
For array variables, the type prefix must be preceded by an additional "a" to indicate an array (e.g. string[] asServiceNames).
Strongly Typed Collections (System.Collections.Generic)
The following table gives an overview of the different prefixes that should be used for collections. In case a collection has only one type (e.g. HashSet<T>), the identifier should include the type prefix (e.g. HashSet<string> hssDevices).
Plural nouns should be used for lists and sets.
Class Prefix Example Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dict Dictionary<string,string> dictMappings HashSet<T> hs HashSet<string> hssDeviceTypes LinkedList<T> ll LinkedList<string> llsNames List<T> l List<string> lsNames Stack<T> s Stack<string> ssCalls Queue<T> q Queue<string> qsMessages Private fields
Private fields may start with an underscore ("_"), followed by the prefix defined above if applicable. However, the use of "this." is favored over the use of underscores to denote a local class field.
The name of a local variable of type Boolean should start with a verb (e.g. foundCarrier, isPresent).
For enum variables, the prefix "e" may be used.