Table of Contents


From DataMiner 8.5.4 (RN 9290) onwards, you can set up multi-threaded serial communication in a QAction.

To implement this, perform the following steps:

  1. Building the request
  2. Processing the responses
  3. Running the QAction after the response

Step 1: Building the request

Assume the following multi-threaded timer is defined:

<Timer id="1" options="ip:1000,1;each:5000;pollingrate:30,10,10;threadPool:20,5,221,222,223,224,225,15000;dynamicthreadpool:220;qactionBefore:1010;qactionAfter:1012">
  <Name>Poll timer CMTS SSH</Name>

To build the request, create a QAction triggered by a multi-threaded timer (using the qactionBefore option), which creates the request object and returns this.

<QAction id="1010" name="Serial Before" encoding="csharp" row="true">

This QAction is used to create the request as illustrated in the following example:

public class QAction
    /// <summary>
    /// Example HTTP Before.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="protocol">Link with SLProtocol process.</param>
    /// <returns>The serial request.</returns>
    public static object[] Run(SLProtocolExt protocol)
        protocol.Log("Ran QActionBefore");
            int timeout = 1500; // Timeout in ms.
            string[] commands = new string[2];
            commands[0] = "MyCommand";
            commands[1] = "MyCommand2";
            string[] requestSettings = new string[2];
            requestSettings[0] = timeout.ToString();
            requestSettings[1] = "1,2";    // Comma-separated list of response IDs.
            object[] requestInfo = new object[3] { "serial", requestSettings, commands };
            return requestInfo;
        catch (Exception e)
            protocol.Log("An exception occurred: " + e.ToString());
            return null;

Format of the request: requestInfo (object[]):

  • requestInfo[0] (string): Set to "serial".
  • requestInfo[1] (string[]): Request settings.
  • requestSettings[0]: Timeout (ms).
  • requestSettings[1]: Comma-separated list of response IDs.
  • requestInfo[2] (string[]): The commands to send.

In this QAction, typically you will also set the state of the corresponding row to e.g. "Sending".


The Run method of the QAction now has a return type of object[].

Step 2: Processing the responses

To process the responses, create a QAction that triggers on the group of the multi-threaded timer.


Whereas typically you provide a parameter ID in the triggers attribute, here you need to specify the ID of the group of the multi-threaded timer.

<QAction id="1011" name="Serial Data" encoding="csharp" options="group" triggers="1011" row="true">

Note the "group" option, which allows the use of the OldRow method (SLProtocol) to retrieve the result data.

Format of the result data:

  • responses (object[]): Result object. The number of entries in this object array equals the number of commands sent (See commands array in the request).

Each response contains two entries:

  • response[0] (Int32): The ID of the matching response or -1 in case no match is found.
  • response[1] (byte[] or String): If there was a match, this entry contains the response data as a byte array. If there was no match, this entry contains a string message (e.g. "TIMEOUT").
  • response[2] (byte[]): Only present if result[0] is -1 (i.e. no response matches) and only since DataMiner 9.5.0 (RN 13052). This makes it possible to inspect the received response that does not match any of the specified expected responses.

Suppose parameters 1023 and 33 are defined as follows:

using System;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Scripting;

/// <summary>
/// Example serial data.
/// </summary>
public class QAction
    /// <summary>
    /// QAction entry point.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="protocol">Link with SLProtocol process.</param>
    public void Run(SLProtocolExt protocol)
            string rowKey = protocol.RowKey();
            object result = protocol.OldRow();
            if (result != null)
                string communicationState = Convert.ToString(result);
                if (communicationState != "TIMEOUT" && communicationState != "NO POLLING OCCURRED")
                    object[] responses = (object[])result;
                    if (responses.Length > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < responses.Length; i++)
                            if (responses[i] != null)
                                object[] response = (object[])responses[i];
                                int responseResponseId = Convert.ToInt32(response[0]);
                                if (responseResponseId != -1)
                                    byte[] responseData = (byte[])response[1];    
                                    // Process data...                            
                                    string responseData = (string)response[1]; // E.g. "TIMEOUT".
                                    // Process feedback...
                                    if (response.Length > 2)    // Feature introduced in DataMiner 9.5.0
                                        byte[] responseBytes = (byte[])response[2]; // The received response.
                                protocol.Log("QA" + protocol.QActionID + "|Response data is null.", LogType.Error, LogLevel.NoLogging);
                    protocol.Log("Result: " + Convert.ToString(result));
                protocol.Log("Result is null.");
        catch (Exception e)
            protocol.Log("QA" + protocol.QActionID + "|Run|An exception occurred: " + e.ToString(), LogType.Error, LogLevel.NoLogging);

In this QAction, you will typically also update the state column of the corresponding row.

Step 3: Running the QAction after the response

The last step runs the QAction specified in the qactionAfter option of the multi-threaded timer.

<QAction id="1012" name="Serial After" encoding="csharp" row="true">

In this QAction, you can check if a timeout occurred and set the status of the corresponding row accordingly.

using System;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Scripting;

/// <summary>
/// Example serial after.
/// </summary>
public class QAction
    /// <summary>
    /// QAction entry point.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="protocol">Link with SLProtocol process.</param>
    public static void Run(SLProtocol protocol)
        string rowKey = protocol.RowKey();
        // Check if state is still "Sending". If this is the case, a timeout occurred and the state should be set accordingly.