Table of Contents


  1. Create a protocol that retrieves the following OIDs (RFC1213-MIB):

    • sysDescr (
    • sysObjectID (
    • sysUptime (
    • sysContact (
    • sysName (
    • sysLocation (
    • sysService (

    For more information on how system uptime can be displayed in Time Format, see Protocol.Params.Param.Measurement.Type and Protocol.Params.Param.Interprete.Sequence.

  2. Alter the "sysContact" (OID variable via SNMP and check the result.

  3. Create a protocol that polls the following columns of the interface table ("ifTable", OID "" defined in IF-MIB (RFC 2863)) using the different table retrieval methods described previously.

Required columns of ifTable to implement in exercise