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Retrieving multiple variables

It is possible to retrieve multiple variables in a single get request. In order to retrieve multiple variables in a single request, set the multipleGet attribute of the Group.Content tag to "true". This will result in a single get request being sent containing multiple variable bindings.

<Group id="19100">
  <Name>SNMP General System Parameters Group</Name>
  <Content multipleGet="true">

According to the SNMPv1 specification (RFC1157), as soon as one object in the variable bindings field of a get request is not available in the MIB view, the value of the error status field of the corresponding response will be set to "noSuchName". Consequently, none of the requested variables will be shown in DataMiner. In SNMPv2 (and SNMPv3), this behavior has changed (RFC3416), and this no longer results in a "noSuchName" error. Therefore, for SNMPv2 and SNMPv3, the other requested variables (i.e. the ones that are available) will be shown in DataMiner.

See also

DataMiner Protocol Markup Language: