Table of Contents

WebSocket use cases

For each of the WebSocket use cases, the code below must be implemented to make sure the WebSocket connection works correctly in DataMiner. Change the mentioned IDs as necessary to match your configuration.

The WebSocket connection for the use cases is ws://

When the handshake is done and parameter 7 is Open, it is possible to send commands.

There are four use cases:

Code implementation


To create a WebSocket, define a new WebSocket connection in the protocol. The Connection tag needs to be included in the Protocol.Connections tag.

<Connection id="1" name="WebSocket Connection">


Each implementation of a WebSocket should have the following triggers.

  • Before Each Command

    <Trigger id="30">
       <Name>Before Each Command</Name>
       <On id="each">command</On>
  • Before Each Response

    <Trigger id="31">
       <Name>Before Each Response</Name>
       <On id="each">response</On>


For each trigger, you will need an action.

  • Make Command

    <Action id="30">
       <Name>Make Command Action</Name>
  • Read Response

    <Action id="31">
       <Name>Read Response Action</Name>


WebSocket works with commands to subscribe/unsubscribe. In the Protocol.Commands tag, add a command.

<Command id="1">
   <Description>Websocket Heartbeat</Description>

The command above uses the command data from parameter 10. In this example, this is a heartbeat request.

<Param id="10" trending="false">
   <Description>Websocket Heartbeat Request</Description>
      <LengthType>next param</LengthType>


The responses will come back in the Protocol.Responses tag.

<Response id="1">
   <Name>Generic Response</Name>
   <Description>Generic Response</Description>

Each response will be set to parameter 11.

<Param id="11" trending="false">
   <Description>Generic Response</Description>
      <LengthType>next param</LengthType>

The response must be cleared after the data is processed. You can do this with protocol.CheckTrigger(32); in the QAction. Add a trigger that will execute an action.

<Trigger id="32">
   <Name>On Check Trigger Clear Generic Response</Name>

Add the action to clear parameter 11.

<Action id="32">
   <Name>Clear Generic Response</Name>
   <On id="11">parameter</On>


Each command and response should be paired together. In the Protocol.Pairs tag, add a pair for each command. It is possible that the same response is used for different commands.

<Pair id="1">
   <Description>Websocket Heartbeat</Description>


This parameter should be added and displayed to show the status of the WebSocket:

<Param id="7" trending="true">
    <Description>Websocket Status</Description>
            <![CDATA[Status of the Websocket.
             0: Closed
             1: Open]]>
        <RawType>numeric text</RawType>
        <LengthType>next param</LengthType>

Handshake details Postman

    Request URL:
    Request Method: GET
    Status Code: 101 Switching Protocols
    Request Headers
        Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
        Sec-WebSocket-Key: LJSbyasLGZ8sgQ65iUicBg==
        Connection: Upgrade
        Upgrade: websocket
        Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits
    Response Headers
        Connection: Upgrade
        Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2022 14:00:33 GMT
        Server: Kestrel
        Upgrade: websocket
        Sec-WebSocket-Accept: kQimL57sB/A/lK8k1BOmU2c09WM=