Connector technical documentation template
[Short description of the data source and of the function of the connector.]
SNMP Connection - [Name of the connection]
This connector uses a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) connection and requires the following input during element creation:
- IP address/host: [The polling IP or URL of the destination.]
- Device address: [Indicate if required or not. If it is, specify default value and range.]
SNMP Settings:
- Port number: [The port of the connected device, by default 161.]
- Get community string: [The community string used when reading values from the device (default: public).]
- Set community string: [The community string used when setting values on the device (default: private).]
Serial connection - [Name of the connection]
This connector uses a serial connection and requires the following input during element creation:
Direct connection:
- Baudrate: [Baudrate specified in the manual of the device, e.g. 9600.]
- Databits: [Databits specified in the manual of the device, e.g. 7.]
- Stopbits: [Stopbits specified in the manual of the device, e.g. 1.]
- Parity: [Parity specified in the manual of the device, e.g. No.]
- FlowControl: [FlowControl specified in the manual of the device, e.g. No.]
Interface connection:
- IP address/host: [The polling IP of the device.]
- IP port: [The IP port of the device. Indicate if required or not. If so, specify default value and range.]
- Bus address: [The bus address of the device. Indicate if required or not. If so, specify default value, range and format.]
HTTP Connection – [Name of the connection]
This connector uses an HTTP connection and requires the following input during element creation:
- IP address/host: [The polling IP or URL of the destination.]
- IP port: [The IP port of the destination.]
- Bus address: [If the proxy server has to be bypassed, specify bypassproxy.]
Virtual Connection
This connector uses a virtual connection and does not require any input during element creation.
[Indicate if additional configuration of parameters is necessary in a newly created element.]
Web Interface
[If there is a Web Interface page, include this section; otherwise, remove it.]
The web interface is only accessible when the client machine has network access to the product.
[Use this section to indicate if redundancy is defined in the connector or not.]
Automation Scripts
[If any Automation scripts need to be configured, indicate this in this section. Otherwise, this section can be removed.]
Correlation rules
[If any Correlation rules need to be configured, indicate this in this section. Otherwise, this section can be removed.]
Visio Files
[If any Visio files need to be configured, indicate this in this section. Otherwise, this section can be removed.]
Report Templates
[If any report templates need to be configured, indicate this in this section. Otherwise, this section can be removed.]
[If any dashboards need to be configured, indicate this in this section. Otherwise, this section can be removed.]
How to use
[In this section, provide a more detailed description of how the connector functions. For more information, refer to Writing connector documentation.]
DataMiner Connectivity Framework
The [x.x.x.x] range of the [connector name] connector supports the usage of DCF.
DCF can also be implemented through the DataMiner DCF user interface and through third-party DataMiner connectors (e.g. a manager).
[REMOVE IF NOT RELEVANT:] Connectivity for this connector is managed by the parent connector [connector name].
[Add the subsections below if applicable.]
Fixed Interfaces
[Use this section for interfaces that correspond to a single parameter. Add the applicable subsections, with a bulleted list describing the interfaces. Use the "Virtual fixed interfaces" subsection for virtual interfaces configured in the connector, use "Physical fixed interfaces" for physical interfaces of the device.]
Virtual fixed interfaces:
- [Description of the interface: for what parameter is the virtual dynamic interface created and what is the interface type (in / out / inout).]
Physical fixed interfaces:
- [Description of the interface: for what parameter is the physical dynamic interface created and what is the interface type (in / out / inout).]
Dynamic Interfaces
[Use this section for interfaces that correspond to a table parameter. Add the applicable subsections, with a bulleted list describing the interfaces. Use the "Virtual dynamic interfaces" subsection for virtual interfaces configured in the connector, use "Physical dynamic interfaces" for physical interfaces of the device.]
Virtual dynamic interfaces:
- [Description of the interface: for what parameter is the virtual dynamic interface created and what is the interface type (in / out / inout).]
Physical dynamic interfaces:
- [Description of the interface: for what parameter is the physical dynamic interface created and what is the interface type (in / out / inout).]
DCF Connections
Internal Connections
[In this section, describe all internal connections in a bulleted list. For each connection, add the properties in an indented bulleted list.]
Between [...], an internal connection is created with the following properties:
- [...] connection property of type [ in / out / inout / generic] with value [...].
External Connections
[In this section, describe all external connections in a bulleted list. For each connection, add the properties in an indented bulleted list.]
Between [...], an external connection is created with the following properties:
- [...] connection property of type [ in / out / inout / generic] with value [...].
[In this section, you can provide additional information about the connector that does not fit in the other sections. Remove this section if it does not contain any info.]