Table of Contents

Change alarm monitoring and/or trending

Changing alarming and trending is considered a major change, but only in specific cases.

When alarming/trending is removed or the trend type is changed, for example, this can have an impact on the system.

Changes to normalization are also considered a major change, although a workaround is available to avoid impact.


Changing the trend type will cause graph content to change.

Removing the normalization in a protocol will cause loss of configuration data.

Alarm monitoring


Full ID Error Message Description
2.23.1 RemovedNormalizationAlarmType Normalization with Alarm type '{alarmType}' on Param '{paramId}' was removed.
2.23.2 UpdatedNormalizationAlarmType Normalization with Alarm type '{alarmType}' on Param '{paramId}' was changed into '{newAlarmType}'.
2.23.3 AddedNormalizationAlarmType Normalization with Alarm type '{normalizationType}' on Param '{pid}' was added.
2.24.1 RemovedAlarming Alarming for Param '{paramId}' was removed.
2.34.1 UpdatedThresholdAlarmType Threshold with value '{oldValue}' on Param '{paramPid}' was changed into '{newValue}'.
2.34.2 AddedThresholdAlarmType Threshold with value '{newValue}' was added to Param '{paramPid}'.
2.34.3 RemovedThresholdAlarmType Threshold with value '{oldValue}' was removed from Param '{paramPid}'.


Full ID Error Message Description
2.8.1 DisabledTrending Trending on Param '{paramId}' was disabled.


Changing normalization

  • Normalization should change from absolute:<pid> to absolute

  • Add a button that will trigger two actions:

    • First, to copy the current values to the parameter holding the base values.

    • Second, to perform the normalization (action type normalize).

To prevent the loss of the old base values stored using absolute:<pid>, use a trigger after startup and run every normalize action if there is a value filled in in the parameter holding the base value.


Only the normalize action should be run after startup and not the copy action (so do not just trigger the button normalize). This should only run the very first time the element is restarted after a version change. So you might also want to include a save parameter holding a flag that indicates that this has already been performed.


In case of a (DVE) table, the values need to be copied using a QAction.