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Change parameter range

Changing the range of a parameter is considered a major change.

However, this is only the case if the previous range defined on the parameter is not included in the updated range.


Alarm templates need to be reconfigured because they will throw errors and fail to be applied if they have an alarm value configured outside the range.


Full ID Error Message Description
2.32.1 UpdatedLowRange Low range '{previousValue}' in Param '{paramPid}' increased to '{newValue}'.
2.32.2 AddedLowRange Low range '{newValue}' in Param '{paramPid}' was added.
2.33.1 UpdatedHighRange High range '{previousValue}' in Param '{paramPid}' decreased to '{newValue}'.
2.33.2 AddedHighRange High range '{newValue}' in Param '{paramPid}' was added.


There is no workaround.