Table of Contents

Change connection(s)

Adding or removing one or multiple connections in a protocol is considered a major change.

Changing the type of a connection is also considered a major change, e.g. from SNMP to SNMPv3.


Full ID Error message Description
1.23.8 ConnectionsOrderChanged Order of connections changed from '{oldOrder}' to '{newOrder}'.
1.23.9 ConnectionTypeChanged {connectionType} Connection '{connectionId}' with name '{connectionName}' was changed into '{newConnectionType}'.
1.23.10 ConnectionAdded {connectionType} Connection '{connectionId}' with name '{connectionName}' was added.


  • Element reconfiguration: Existing elements need to be reconfigured before the new connection(s) will be taken in use.

Advised method

When an upgrade is done to a new range that has been modified for different connections, element reconfiguration is needed.

Bulk reconfiguration can be performed by means of the export/import functionality.