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Setting row text color

It is possible to change the text color of table rows. To use this feature, the table must contain a column of type "discreet", and the discrete values of that column must specify a color in the options attribute. The value of that column will determine the text color for each row. The colors must be specified in hexadecimal format "#RRGGBB", e.g. "#EF71B2".

<Param id="100" trending="false">
  <ArrayOptions index="0">
    <ColumnOption idx="0" pid="101" type="retrieved" options="" />
    <ColumnOption idx="1" pid="102" type="retrieved" options="" />
    <ColumnOption idx="2" pid="103" type="retrieved" options=";save;rowTextColoring" />
<Param id="103" trending="false">
      <Discreet options="rowTextColor=#FF0000">
      <Discreet options="rowTextColor=#0000FF">