Table of Contents

Advanced hierarchy

It is possible to choose a different hierarchy path based on the cell value of the parent row. In order to use the advanced structure, the path attribute must be omitted or empty.

DataMiner Cube tree control advanced hierarchy example

<TreeControl parameterId="10" readOnly="false">
    <Table id="1000" />
    <Table id="2000" parent="1000" condition="1002:People" />
    <Table id="3000" parent="1000" condition="1002:Cars_EUR" />
    <Table id="3000" parent="1000" condition="1002:Cars_USA" />
    <Table id="4000" parent="3000" />
    <Table id="5000" parent="1000" />
  <ReadonlyColumns />
  <OverrideDisplayColumns />
  <OverrideIconColumns />