Table of Contents

EnumIcons simple type

Specifies the icon.

Content Type

Item Facet value Description
string restriction
  Enumeration ANALYZERCARDS Analyzer cards
  Enumeration APPLICATION Application
  Enumeration arrowDown Arrow Down
  Enumeration arrowUp Arrow Up
  Enumeration ASIPort ASI Port
  Enumeration ATSC ATSC
  Enumeration Backup Backup
  Enumeration Carrier Carrier
  Enumeration CAT Conditional Access Table
  Enumeration DATA Data PID
  Enumeration DATACAROUSEL Data Carousel
  Enumeration Device Device
  Enumeration DirectConnection Direct Connection
  Enumeration DVBSCard DVBS Card
  Enumeration ECM Entitlement Control Message (Encrypted key for EMM)
  Enumeration EIT Event Information Table
  Enumeration EMM Entitlement Management Message
  Enumeration FixedInput Fixed Input
  Enumeration FixedOutput Fixed Output
  Enumeration GBEPort GBE Port
  Enumeration General General
  Enumeration GeneralInput General Input
  Enumeration GeneralPID General PID
  Enumeration GeneralService General Service
  Enumeration GeneralTransportStream General Transport Stream
  Enumeration GT General Transport Stream
  Enumeration IDP-OK IDP-OK
  Enumeration IDP-NOK IDP-NOK
  Enumeration IDP-Running IDP-Running
  Enumeration IDP-Unknown IDP-Unknown
  Enumeration Input Input
  Enumeration InputAndOutput Input and Output
  Enumeration InputTransportStream Input Transport Stream
  Enumeration LED-Blue Blue LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566).
  Enumeration LED-Cyan Cyan LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566).
  Enumeration LED-Lime Lime LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566).
  Enumeration LED-Red Red LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566).
  Enumeration LED-Silver Silver LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566).
  Enumeration LED-Yellow Yellow LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566).
  Enumeration Main Main
  Enumeration Matrix Matrix
  Enumeration MIP MIP
  Enumeration MPE MPE
  Enumeration MPEG2_AUDIO Audio PID
  Enumeration MPEG2_VIDEO Video PID
  Enumeration New-Item New Item. Supported since DataMiner 10.0.13 (RN 28060).
  Enumeration NIT Network Information Table
  Enumeration OBJECTCAROUSEL Object Carousel
  Enumeration Output Output
  Enumeration OutputTransportStream Output Transport Stream
  Enumeration PAT Program Association Table
  Enumeration PCR Program Clock Reference
  Enumeration PD PD
  Enumeration PES Packetized Elementary Stream
  Enumeration PMT Program Map Table
  Enumeration Primary Primary
  Enumeration Processor Processor
  Enumeration RADIO Service of type Radio
  Enumeration RECT-Alice​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FFF0F8FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Antique​White Rectangle filled with color #FFFAEBD7. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Aqua Rectangle filled with color #FF00FFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Aquamarine Rectangle filled with color #FF7FFFD4. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Azure Rectangle filled with color #FFF0FFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Beige Rectangle filled with color #FFF5F5DC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Bisque Rectangle filled with color #FFFFE4C4. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Black Rectangle filled with color #FF000000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Blanched​Almond Rectangle filled with color #FFFFEBCD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF0000FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Blue​Violet Rectangle filled with color #FF8A2BE2. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Brown Rectangle filled with color #FFA52A2A. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Burly​Wood Rectangle filled with color #FFDEB887. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Cadet​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF5F9EA0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Chartreuse Rectangle filled with color #FF7FFF00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Chocolate Rectangle filled with color #FFD2691E. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Coral Rectangle filled with color #FFFF7F50. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Cornflower​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF6495ED. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Cornsilk Rectangle filled with color #FFFFF8DC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Crimson Rectangle filled with color #FFDC143C. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Cyan Rectangle filled with color #FF00FFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF00008B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Cyan Rectangle filled with color #FF008B8B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Goldenrod Rectangle filled with color #FFB8860B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Gray Rectangle filled with color #FFA9A9A9. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF006400. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Khaki Rectangle filled with color #FFBDB76B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Magenta Rectangle filled with color #FF8B008B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Olive​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF556B2F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Orange Rectangle filled with color #FFFF8C00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Orchid Rectangle filled with color #FF9932CC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Red Rectangle filled with color #FF8B0000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Salmon Rectangle filled with color #FFE9967A. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Sea​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF8FBC8F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Slate​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF483D8B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Slate​Gray Rectangle filled with color #FF2F4F4F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Turquoise Rectangle filled with color #FF00CED1. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dark​Violet Rectangle filled with color #FF9400D3. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Deep​Pink Rectangle filled with color #FFFF1493. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Deep​Sky​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF00BFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dim​Gray Rectangle filled with color #FF696969. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Dodger​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF1E90FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Firebrick Rectangle filled with color #FFB22222. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Floral​White Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFAF0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Forest​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF228B22. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Fuchsia Rectangle filled with color #FFFF00FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Gainsboro Rectangle filled with color #FFDCDCDC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Ghost​White Rectangle filled with color #FFF8F8FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Gold Rectangle filled with color #FFFFD700. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Goldenrod Rectangle filled with color #FFDAA520. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Gray Rectangle filled with color #FF808080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Green Rectangle filled with color #FF008000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Green​Yellow Rectangle filled with color #FFADFF2F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Honeydew Rectangle filled with color #FFF0FFF0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Hot​Pink Rectangle filled with color #FFFF69B4. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Indian​Red Rectangle filled with color #FFCD5C5C. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Indigo Rectangle filled with color #FF4B0082. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Ivory Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFFF0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Khaki Rectangle filled with color #FFF0E68C. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Lavender Rectangle filled with color #FFE6E6FA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Lavender​Blush Rectangle filled with color #FFFFF0F5. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Lawn​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF7CFC00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Lemon​Chiffon Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFACD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FFADD8E6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Coral Rectangle filled with color #FFF08080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Cyan Rectangle filled with color #FFE0FFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Goldenrod​Yellow Rectangle filled with color #FFFAFAD2. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Gray Rectangle filled with color #FFD3D3D3. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF90EE90. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Pink Rectangle filled with color #FFFFB6C1. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Salmon Rectangle filled with color #FFFFA07A. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Sea​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF20B2AA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Sky​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF87CEFA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Slate​Gray Rectangle filled with color #FF778899. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Steel​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FFB0C4DE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Light​Yellow Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFFE0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Lime Rectangle filled with color #FF00FF00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Lime​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF32CD32. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Linen Rectangle filled with color #FFFAF0E6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Magenta Rectangle filled with color #FFFF00FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Maroon Rectangle filled with color #FF800000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Aquamarine Rectangle filled with color #FF66CDAA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF0000CD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Orchid Rectangle filled with color #FFBA55D3. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Purple Rectangle filled with color #FF9370DB. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Sea​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF3CB371. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Slate​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF7B68EE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Spring​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF00FA9A. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Turquoise Rectangle filled with color #FF48D1CC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Medium​Violet​Red Rectangle filled with color #FFC71585. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Midnight​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF191970. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Mint​Cream Rectangle filled with color #FFF5FFFA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Misty​Rose Rectangle filled with color #FFFFE4E1. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Moccasin Rectangle filled with color #FFFFE4B5. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Navajo​White Rectangle filled with color #FFFFDEAD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Navy Rectangle filled with color #FF000080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Old​Lace Rectangle filled with color #FFFDF5E6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Olive Rectangle filled with color #FF808000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Olive​Drab Rectangle filled with color #FF6B8E23. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Orange Rectangle filled with color #FFFFA500. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Orange​Red Rectangle filled with color #FFFF4500. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Orchid Rectangle filled with color #FFDA70D6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Pale​Goldenrod Rectangle filled with color #FFEEE8AA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Pale​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF98FB98. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Pale​Turquoise Rectangle filled with color #FFAFEEEE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Pale​Violet​Red Rectangle filled with color #FFDB7093. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Papaya​Whip Rectangle filled with color #FFFFEFD5. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Peach​Puff Rectangle filled with color #FFFFDAB9. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Peru Rectangle filled with color #FFCD853F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Pink Rectangle filled with color #FFFFC0CB. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Plum Rectangle filled with color #FFDDA0DD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Powder​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FFB0E0E6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Purple Rectangle filled with color #FF800080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Red Rectangle filled with color #FFFF0000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Rosy​Brown Rectangle filled with color #FFBC8F8F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Royal​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF4169E1. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Saddle​Brown Rectangle filled with color #FF8B4513. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Salmon Rectangle filled with color #FFFA8072. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Sandy​Brown Rectangle filled with color #FFF4A460. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Sea​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF2E8B57. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Sea​Shell Rectangle filled with color #FFFFF5EE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Sienna Rectangle filled with color #FFA0522D. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Silver Rectangle filled with color #FFC0C0C0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Sky​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF87CEEB. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Slate​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF6A5ACD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Slate​Gray Rectangle filled with color #FF708090. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Snow Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFAFA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Spring​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF00FF7F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Steel​Blue Rectangle filled with color #FF4682B4. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Tan Rectangle filled with color #FFD2B48C. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Teal Rectangle filled with color #FF008080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Thistle Rectangle filled with color #FFD8BFD8. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Tomato Rectangle filled with color #FFFF6347. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Transparent Rectangle filled with color #00FFFFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Turquoise Rectangle filled with color #FF40E0D0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Violet Rectangle filled with color #FFEE82EE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Wheat Rectangle filled with color #FFF5DEB3. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-White Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-White​Smoke Rectangle filled with color #FFF5F5F5. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Yellow Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFF00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RECT-Yellow​Green Rectangle filled with color #FF9ACD32. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832).
  Enumeration RST RST
  Enumeration Satellite Satellite
  Enumeration SDT Service Description Table
  Enumeration Secondary Secondary
  Enumeration SI SI
  Enumeration StorageCellEmpty Storage Cell Empty
  Enumeration StorageCellFull Storage Cell Full
  Enumeration StorageTape Storage Tap
  Enumeration SUBTITLE Subtitle PID
  Enumeration TDT Time and Data Table
  Enumeration TELETEXT Teletext PID
  Enumeration Transponder Transponder
  Enumeration TransponderLeased Transponder Leased
  Enumeration Trash Trash can. Supported since DataMiner 10.0.13 (RN 28060).
  Enumeration TV Service of type Television
  Enumeration VSAT VSAT
  Enumeration Unknown Unknown