EnumIcons simple type
Specifies the icon.
Content Type
Item | Facet value | Description |
string restriction | ||
Enumeration | ANALYZERCARDS | Analyzer cards |
Enumeration | APPLICATION | Application |
Enumeration | arrowDown | Arrow Down |
Enumeration | arrowUp | Arrow Up |
Enumeration | ASIPort | ASI Port |
Enumeration | ATSC | ATSC |
Enumeration | Backup | Backup |
Enumeration | Carrier | Carrier |
Enumeration | CAT | Conditional Access Table |
Enumeration | DATA | Data PID |
Enumeration | DATACAROUSEL | Data Carousel |
Enumeration | Device | Device |
Enumeration | DirectConnection | Direct Connection |
Enumeration | DVBSCard | DVBS Card |
Enumeration | ECM | Entitlement Control Message (Encrypted key for EMM) |
Enumeration | EIT | Event Information Table |
Enumeration | EMM | Entitlement Management Message |
Enumeration | FixedInput | Fixed Input |
Enumeration | FixedOutput | Fixed Output |
Enumeration | GBEPort | GBE Port |
Enumeration | General | General |
Enumeration | GeneralInput | General Input |
Enumeration | GeneralPID | General PID |
Enumeration | GeneralService | General Service |
Enumeration | GeneralTransportStream | General Transport Stream |
Enumeration | GT | General Transport Stream |
Enumeration | IDP-OK | IDP-OK |
Enumeration | IDP-NOK | IDP-NOK |
Enumeration | IDP-Running | IDP-Running |
Enumeration | IDP-Unknown | IDP-Unknown |
Enumeration | Input | Input |
Enumeration | InputAndOutput | Input and Output |
Enumeration | InputTransportStream | Input Transport Stream |
Enumeration | LED-Blue | Blue LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566). |
Enumeration | LED-Cyan | Cyan LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566). |
Enumeration | LED-Lime | Lime LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566). |
Enumeration | LED-Red | Red LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566). |
Enumeration | LED-Silver | Silver LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566). |
Enumeration | LED-Yellow | Yellow LED. Available from DataMiner 10.1.2 onwards (RN 28566). |
Enumeration | Main | Main |
Enumeration | Matrix | Matrix |
Enumeration | MIP | MIP |
Enumeration | MPE | MPE |
Enumeration | MPEG2_AUDIO | Audio PID |
Enumeration | MPEG2_VIDEO | Video PID |
Enumeration | New-Item | New Item. Supported since DataMiner 10.0.13 (RN 28060). |
Enumeration | NIT | Network Information Table |
Enumeration | OBJECTCAROUSEL | Object Carousel |
Enumeration | Output | Output |
Enumeration | OutputTransportStream | Output Transport Stream |
Enumeration | PAT | Program Association Table |
Enumeration | PCR | Program Clock Reference |
Enumeration | PD | PD |
Enumeration | PES | Packetized Elementary Stream |
Enumeration | PMT | Program Map Table |
Enumeration | Primary | Primary |
Enumeration | Processor | Processor |
Enumeration | RADIO | Service of type Radio |
Enumeration | RECT-AliceBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FFF0F8FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-AntiqueWhite | Rectangle filled with color #FFFAEBD7. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Aqua | Rectangle filled with color #FF00FFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Aquamarine | Rectangle filled with color #FF7FFFD4. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Azure | Rectangle filled with color #FFF0FFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Beige | Rectangle filled with color #FFF5F5DC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Bisque | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFE4C4. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Black | Rectangle filled with color #FF000000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-BlanchedAlmond | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFEBCD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Blue | Rectangle filled with color #FF0000FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-BlueViolet | Rectangle filled with color #FF8A2BE2. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Brown | Rectangle filled with color #FFA52A2A. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-BurlyWood | Rectangle filled with color #FFDEB887. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-CadetBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF5F9EA0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Chartreuse | Rectangle filled with color #FF7FFF00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Chocolate | Rectangle filled with color #FFD2691E. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Coral | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF7F50. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-CornflowerBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF6495ED. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Cornsilk | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFF8DC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Crimson | Rectangle filled with color #FFDC143C. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Cyan | Rectangle filled with color #FF00FFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF00008B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkCyan | Rectangle filled with color #FF008B8B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkGoldenrod | Rectangle filled with color #FFB8860B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkGray | Rectangle filled with color #FFA9A9A9. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF006400. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkKhaki | Rectangle filled with color #FFBDB76B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkMagenta | Rectangle filled with color #FF8B008B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkOliveGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF556B2F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkOrange | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF8C00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkOrchid | Rectangle filled with color #FF9932CC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkRed | Rectangle filled with color #FF8B0000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkSalmon | Rectangle filled with color #FFE9967A. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkSeaGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF8FBC8F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkSlateBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF483D8B. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkSlateGray | Rectangle filled with color #FF2F4F4F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkTurquoise | Rectangle filled with color #FF00CED1. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DarkViolet | Rectangle filled with color #FF9400D3. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DeepPink | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF1493. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DeepSkyBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF00BFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DimGray | Rectangle filled with color #FF696969. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-DodgerBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF1E90FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Firebrick | Rectangle filled with color #FFB22222. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-FloralWhite | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFAF0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-ForestGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF228B22. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Fuchsia | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF00FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Gainsboro | Rectangle filled with color #FFDCDCDC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-GhostWhite | Rectangle filled with color #FFF8F8FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Gold | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFD700. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Goldenrod | Rectangle filled with color #FFDAA520. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Gray | Rectangle filled with color #FF808080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Green | Rectangle filled with color #FF008000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-GreenYellow | Rectangle filled with color #FFADFF2F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Honeydew | Rectangle filled with color #FFF0FFF0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-HotPink | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF69B4. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-IndianRed | Rectangle filled with color #FFCD5C5C. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Indigo | Rectangle filled with color #FF4B0082. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Ivory | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFFF0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Khaki | Rectangle filled with color #FFF0E68C. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Lavender | Rectangle filled with color #FFE6E6FA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LavenderBlush | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFF0F5. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LawnGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF7CFC00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LemonChiffon | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFACD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FFADD8E6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightCoral | Rectangle filled with color #FFF08080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightCyan | Rectangle filled with color #FFE0FFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightGoldenrodYellow | Rectangle filled with color #FFFAFAD2. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightGray | Rectangle filled with color #FFD3D3D3. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF90EE90. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightPink | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFB6C1. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightSalmon | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFA07A. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightSeaGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF20B2AA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightSkyBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF87CEFA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightSlateGray | Rectangle filled with color #FF778899. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightSteelBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FFB0C4DE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LightYellow | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFFE0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Lime | Rectangle filled with color #FF00FF00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-LimeGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF32CD32. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Linen | Rectangle filled with color #FFFAF0E6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Magenta | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF00FF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Maroon | Rectangle filled with color #FF800000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumAquamarine | Rectangle filled with color #FF66CDAA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF0000CD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumOrchid | Rectangle filled with color #FFBA55D3. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumPurple | Rectangle filled with color #FF9370DB. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumSeaGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF3CB371. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumSlateBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF7B68EE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumSpringGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF00FA9A. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumTurquoise | Rectangle filled with color #FF48D1CC. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MediumVioletRed | Rectangle filled with color #FFC71585. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MidnightBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF191970. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MintCream | Rectangle filled with color #FFF5FFFA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-MistyRose | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFE4E1. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Moccasin | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFE4B5. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-NavajoWhite | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFDEAD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Navy | Rectangle filled with color #FF000080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-OldLace | Rectangle filled with color #FFFDF5E6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Olive | Rectangle filled with color #FF808000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-OliveDrab | Rectangle filled with color #FF6B8E23. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Orange | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFA500. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-OrangeRed | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF4500. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Orchid | Rectangle filled with color #FFDA70D6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-PaleGoldenrod | Rectangle filled with color #FFEEE8AA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-PaleGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF98FB98. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-PaleTurquoise | Rectangle filled with color #FFAFEEEE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-PaleVioletRed | Rectangle filled with color #FFDB7093. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-PapayaWhip | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFEFD5. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-PeachPuff | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFDAB9. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Peru | Rectangle filled with color #FFCD853F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Pink | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFC0CB. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Plum | Rectangle filled with color #FFDDA0DD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-PowderBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FFB0E0E6. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Purple | Rectangle filled with color #FF800080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Red | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF0000. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-RosyBrown | Rectangle filled with color #FFBC8F8F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-RoyalBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF4169E1. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SaddleBrown | Rectangle filled with color #FF8B4513. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Salmon | Rectangle filled with color #FFFA8072. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SandyBrown | Rectangle filled with color #FFF4A460. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SeaGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF2E8B57. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SeaShell | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFF5EE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Sienna | Rectangle filled with color #FFA0522D. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Silver | Rectangle filled with color #FFC0C0C0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SkyBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF87CEEB. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SlateBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF6A5ACD. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SlateGray | Rectangle filled with color #FF708090. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Snow | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFAFA. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SpringGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF00FF7F. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-SteelBlue | Rectangle filled with color #FF4682B4. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Tan | Rectangle filled with color #FFD2B48C. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Teal | Rectangle filled with color #FF008080. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Thistle | Rectangle filled with color #FFD8BFD8. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Tomato | Rectangle filled with color #FFFF6347. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Transparent | Rectangle filled with color #00FFFFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Turquoise | Rectangle filled with color #FF40E0D0. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Violet | Rectangle filled with color #FFEE82EE. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Wheat | Rectangle filled with color #FFF5DEB3. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-White | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFFFF. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-WhiteSmoke | Rectangle filled with color #FFF5F5F5. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-Yellow | Rectangle filled with color #FFFFFF00. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RECT-YellowGreen | Rectangle filled with color #FF9ACD32. Supported since DataMiner 9.6.11/9.6.0 [CU5] (RN 22832). |
Enumeration | RST | RST |
Enumeration | Satellite | Satellite |
Enumeration | SDT | Service Description Table |
Enumeration | Secondary | Secondary |
Enumeration | SI | SI |
Enumeration | StorageCellEmpty | Storage Cell Empty |
Enumeration | StorageCellFull | Storage Cell Full |
Enumeration | StorageTape | Storage Tap |
Enumeration | SUBTITLE | Subtitle PID |
Enumeration | TDT | Time and Data Table |
Enumeration | TELETEXT | Teletext PID |
Enumeration | Transponder | Transponder |
Enumeration | TransponderLeased | Transponder Leased |
Enumeration | Trash | Trash can. Supported since DataMiner 10.0.13 (RN 28060). |
Enumeration | TV | Service of type Television |
Enumeration | VSAT | VSAT |
Enumeration | Unknown | Unknown |