pageOrder attribute
Defines the order of the pages.
Content Type
By default, the pages will be ordered alphabetically.
It is also possible to add separators and web interface links as described below.
Including separators
In case you want to insert a separator between pages in the page overview, provide an entry that starts with at least three dash characters (‘-‘), e.g. “-----”. It is recommended to use strings consisting exclusively of dashes for separators.
When a page starts with “-”, Cube will see this as a page separator. This is not the case when it also includes other text.
Including web interfaces
In case you want to add a web interface link to the page overview, add an entry that has a "#" followed by the URI of the link (e.g. Web Interface#http://[id:100]
The following placeholders can be used:
[Polling IP]: Includes the polling IP (e.g.
Webinterface#http://[Polling Ip]
)[id:Parameter ID]: Includes the value of the specified parameter (e.g.
The parameter referenced in a placeholder must have Interprete.Type set to "string" and RTDisplay set to "true".
The identifiers used for separators and web interfaces should not match the name of an existing page in the protocol. In case it does, it will not be considered a separator or web interface link.