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ping attribute

Specifies whether this is the group to be used when testing the connection in the element wizard.

Content Type





When you create or update an element, it is possible to first test the connection with the data you entered before creating or updating the element:

  • If you click a Test connection button, you will either get a "Connection successful" message or an error message explaining why the test failed.
  • If a Test connection button is disabled, hover over it to see the reason why it is disabled.

You can only test connections for which a ping group has been defined in the protocol. When you click Test connection, the ping group for that connection will be executed. If this execution results in a timeout, the connection test will fail.


Current limitations:

  • Only main connections can be tested.
  • SNMPv3 connections can only be tested from DataMiner 9.5.12 onwards.
  • Ping groups are not executed when an element is in slow poll mode.

Feature introduced in DataMiner 9.5.7 (RN 16626, RN 16633).


<Group id="6" ping="true">
	<Description>System Uptime</Description>