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Partition element

Specifies the database partitioning configuration.






Name Type Required Description
partitionsToKeep unsignedInt Specifies the number of partitions to keep.


One of the following values:

  • day
  • hour
  • month (only supported with Cassandra and indexing database)
  • year (only supported with Cassandra and indexing database)
  • infinite (only supported with indexing database, from DataMiner 9.6.4 (RN 19993) onwards): Ensures no rollover can occur.

Please note the following:

  • For SQL databases, the Partition tag must be specified on a column that has ColumnDefinition set to DATETIME.
  • Partitioning in Cassandra is supported since DataMiner version 9.0.0 (RN 12170). If ColumnDefinition is set to DATETIME and the Partition tag is set, Cassandra will use a TTL with the specified time. Since DataMiner version 9.5.7, you can specify the TTL of a logger table column via the Partition tag on any column.
<Param id="1003" trending="false">
        <Partition partitionsToKeep="2">hour</Partition>

However, in order to preserve compatibility with a RDBMS (SQL) database, it is advised to still define a column of type DATETIME that specifies the partitions to keep.

    <Partition partitionsToKeep="7">hour</Partition>