Table of Contents

Scale element

Specifies that you want DataMiner to re-interpret the value range of a particular parameter.




Name Type Required Description
lowData integer Yes Specifies the lowest value that can be returned by the device for the parameter in question.
highData integer Yes Specifies the highest value that can be returned by the device for the parameter in question.
low integer Yes Specifies the value to which DataMiner has to convert the lowest value that can be returned by the device.
high integer Yes Specifies the value to which DataMiner has to convert the highest value that can be returned by the device.


If, for a specific parameter, the device can return values between 100 and 500, but you want DataMiner to interpret those values as ranging from 0 to 20, then you can specify the following to indicate that 100 should be considered as 0 and 500 should be considered as 20:

<scale lowdata="100" highdata="500" low="0" high="20" />